Absolutely Necessary. For what is time but the “measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists or continues” (webster).
This is only one definition of “time,” and not a strictly theological one. Indeed, this describes a feature of creaturely temporality. However, such terms as “action,” “process,” and “condition” may not even be accurately applied to God at all, at least not in the same sense in which they refer to the created order, since he is not a temporal creature.
An observer undergoes mental processes. Was there a measurable period? Of course. God is supposedly a thinking being. Was there a measurable period between one thought and another. Of course there should be. Gods function under time.
Your mistake lies in the assumption is that God “undergoes mental
processes,” that is, that he thinks linearly—one thought, then another, and so on—in the same fashion as a human being. You assume that, for God, there must be “a measurable period between one thought and another.” Yet, here you’re ascribing to God the “mental processes” of his creatures.
Perhaps what you mean to say is that God has his own timeline distinct from physical universal time?
No, I’m not suggesting this, though this is a view that’s been held by Christians over the centuries. Throughout the past 2,000 years of Christian history, God’s “eternity” has been understood either as [1]
timelessness, or as [2]
endless duration. The former is by far the most prominent view, though the latter has had its share of defenders. From a Catholic perspective, both St Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas held to God’s timelessness, teaching that time came into being with creation, that God was therefore the creator of time, and that as such he cannot be bound by it. Since time is a function of change (as you’ve suggested), God’s consciousness, in this view, embraces past, present, and future in one synoptic and comprehensive vision. In modern times, this classic Christian understanding was challenged by the neo-orthodox scholar Karl Barth.
In any case, it must be pointed out that, by arguing for God’s eternity as endless duration, you’re not thereby arguing against God’s existence (or for atheism), but are positively
assuming it.