Impurity demon?

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Hello all, just a thought I have: Is there such a thing as an impurity demon?? In other words, some people feel as if they are slaves of thier own impure solitray sins. They would confess, then soon fall again into lust and for us guys when we see beutiful woman in revealing clothing, at times cannot help but look. BUT, for some, comes the look, the thoughts, then the solitary sins.
Any thoughts?? Blessings to all, than you so much:) .
Hello all, just a thought I have: Is there such a thing as an impurity demon?? In other words, some people feel as if they are slaves of thier own impure solitray sins. They would confess, then soon fall again into lust and for us guys when we see beutiful woman in revealing clothing, at times cannot help but look. BUT, for some, comes the look, the thoughts, then the solitary sins.
Any thoughts?? Blessings to all, than you so much:) .
Again, thanks all.
I do believe that there are demons who propagate impurity. However, I don’t think that there’s any one demon in particular who has the task of spreading impurity.
Hello all, just a thought I have: Is there such a thing as an impurity demon?? In other words, some people feel as if they are slaves of thier own impure solitray sins. They would confess, then soon fall again into lust and for us guys when we see beutiful woman in revealing clothing, at times cannot help but look. BUT, for some, comes the look, the thoughts, then the solitary sins.
Any thoughts??
Hi Mis, May be you will at least listen to what I say. Absolutely, Its called the spirit of Lust. He trys to enter into your mind for that is his playing ground .This is why you need to have Gods Armour on.[Ephesians ch.6]. Every time these demons torment your mind into committing sin,you need to speak Gods Word…You need to rebuke them in Jesus name.Every time lustful thoughts come in you need to get rid of them. Dont let them penatrate your thought process.Its not easy for us men.It requires alot of prayer and self control.Its okay to turn your head and not focus on temptations.Satan knows our weekness and he will attack them. Its up to you whether you let him in or not.p/s Remember sin opens the door to cause us illnesses. :eek: God Bless.
Hi Mis, May be you will at least listen to what I say. Absolutely, Its called the spirit of Lust. He trys to enter into your mind for that is his playing ground .This is why you need to have Gods Armour on.[Ephesians ch.6]. Every time these demons torment your mind into committing sin,you need to speak Gods Word…You need to rebuke them in Jesus name.Every time lustful thoughts come in you need to get rid of them. Dont let them penatrate your thought process.Its not easy for us men.It requires alot of prayer and self control.Its okay to turn your head and not focus on temptations.Satan knows our weekness and he will attack them. Its up to you whether you let him in or not.p/s Remember sin opens the door to cause us illnesses. :eek: God Bless.
Thank you so much for your great advice, please pray for me.🙂
Thank you so much for your great advice, please pray for me.🙂
I will lift you up to the Lord in my mourning prayers. Praise God for He is our deliverer and He alone will set us Free. 👍 God Bless.
The man said,“How many times must I forgive another man”? The answer was seventy times seven. Hey, how many times will God forgive you? As many as it takes to save your soul. Please read 1st John1:v 8-9. It is about confession, read it.

You can defeat a demon that is suggesting sin to you. Go to confession, have daily prayer and AVOID THE OCASSION OF SIN. That means to avoid things that have caused you to sin in the past, just don"t go there or look at that book or TV show, just dont do it. In a couple of weeks, it will be easier. But do daily prayers at the same time each day.

Do not look for some special medal, or secret prayer. No, pray 'The Our Father", “The Glory Be To The Father”…and “Hail Mary Full Of Grace”. These plus your own conversation with your Heavenly Father will let God and His Son Know your needs. But you have to do your part too. Try harder.:yup:
I will lift you up to the Lord in my mourning prayers. Praise God for He is our deliverer and He alone will set us Free. 👍 God Bless.
Thank you sooooooooooo much.🙂
Hello all, just a thought I have: Is there such a thing as an impurity demon?? In other words, some people feel as if they are slaves of thier own impure solitray sins. They would confess, then soon fall again into lust and for us guys when we see beutiful woman in revealing clothing, at times cannot help but look. BUT, for some, comes the look, the thoughts, then the solitary sins.
Any thoughts?? Blessings to all, than you so much:) .
Ah, the great scourge of every single male on the planet. I find prayers and devotions to the purity of Mary particularly helpful.

Edit: I might add frequent confession :).
Ah, the great scourge of every single male on the planet. I find prayers and devotions to the purity of Mary particularly helpful.
Ah, the great scourge of every single male on the planet. I find prayers and devotions to the purity of Mary particularly helpful.

Edit: I might add frequent confession :).
This is good advice.🙂 I would also encourage fasting. I also have problems keeping my mind pure (though I doubt my problems are anywhere NEAR what guys have to deal with in this oversexed society!), but I like to pray for the intercession of St Joseph and St Maria Goretti for help with this.
I would attribute lustful thoughts and general impurtiy more to our defective, fallen will than to the work of demons.

In otherwords, we do it to ourselves.
I do believe there is a spirit of impurity, lust and sexual desire. You do not suffer this alone ( of course knowing this doesn’t do much to help you). But I will lift you up in my prayers.
It seems the demon has been attacking me with this as well - but probably to a farrr lesser degree than what befalls a man.

My priest told me in confession that to have an impure thought is not a sin, but to meditate on it and think about it continuously is. Don’t know if that is true - but it sure does make me feel bad to have my mind wander into that “off limits zone”.

Stay close to the sacraments. It has helped me tons!
May God grant you peace of mind in this Advent season.
The Impurity Demon has a fimiliar name: The Internet. Internet Porn is the number #1 moral problem facing our nation today. It effects both the clergy and the laity. It has caused many marriages to fail and psychologists say it is now the #1 addiction in the U.S. I don’t know what the answer is. The internet does so much good in having sites like this one. Jesus let the weeds grow with the good crop, then at harvest time, the weeds were burned.

May God bless you for your desire to live without offending him,
Deacon Tony SFO

It is just me again. Yes, there is a spirit of lust…big time. But this has to be discerned by someone who is gifted with the gift of discerning of spirits. Why don’t you talk to your pastor? That would be a good first step. I will tell you a story…I will PM you again. OK?

Did you not get the book I advised?

As a 25 year old man…I know what you are talking about…I live around LSU and there are lots of beautiful girls that wear very revealing clothes and I try very hard not to notice them…but sometimes it is unavoidable and I sometimes get impure thoughts…I can’t help it. I try not to meditate on them though…I immediately say the “Our Father” and “Hail Mary” and I pray for the intercession of St. Michael to fight off any evil influences that may be attacking me at the time.
Hello all, just a thought I have: Is there such a thing as an impurity demon?? In other words, some people feel as if they are slaves of thier own impure solitray sins. They would confess, then soon fall again into lust and for us guys when we see beutiful woman in revealing clothing, at times cannot help but look. BUT, for some, comes the look, the thoughts, then the solitary sins.
Any thoughts?? Blessings to all, than you so much:) .

It is just me again. Yes, there is a spirit of lust…big time. But this has to be discerned by someone who is gifted with the gift of discerning of spirits. Why don’t you talk to your pastor? That would be a good first step. I will tell you a story…I will PM you again. OK?

Did you not get the book I advised?

Great to hear from you again. Yes PM me if you want here.🙂
I doubt it. Human beings don’t seem to need much help in that regard. We can get pretty evil all on our own.
As a 25 year old man…I know what you are talking about…I live around LSU and there are lots of beautiful girls that wear very revealing clothes and I try very hard not to notice them…but sometimes it is unavoidable and I sometimes get impure thoughts…I can’t help it. I try not to meditate on them though…I immediately say the “Our Father” and “Hail Mary” and I pray for the intercession of St. Michael to fight off any evil influences that may be attacking me at the time.
Wow, college MUST be a Big temptation in this regard. So much music and dancing on many college campuses .

Anyway, seriously, we must really pray a lot.
In Catholic demonological works Asmodeus is named as the demon of lust (also supposedly Solomon kept Asmodeus prisoner to help with the construction of the Temple).

Asmodeus greatest enemy (other than God) is Our Lady. Always ask for her intercession. And St Joe.

With Heaven’s help, you’ll do fine!
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