Impurity demon?

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In Catholic demonological works Asmodeus is named as the demon of lust (also supposedly Solomon kept Asmodeus prisoner to help with the construction of the Temple).

Asmodeus greatest enemy (other than God) is Our Lady. Always ask for her intercession. And St Joe.

With Heaven’s help, you’ll do fine!
Yes, I forgot, my God, Thanks!!! I am going to confession today, please pray for me.
Daily mass, frequent confession, aspirational prayer, Rosary, consecration of yourself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary: This is the way! For daily mass at a convenient time check Masstimes.Org.
Daily mass, frequent confession, aspirational prayer, Rosary, consecration of yourself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary: This is the way! For daily mass at a convenient time check Masstimes.Org.
Thank you for your kind words. Yes, you are right and I totally agree: Tonight after a long!!! Time I will pray my ROSARY and from now on DAILY!!!
Out of curiosity, has anyone ever heard of a Jezabel Spirit? Could anyone tell me what this is all about?
Out of curiosity, has anyone ever heard of a Jezabel Spirit? Could anyone tell me what this is all about?
She is a queen in the old testament. I don’t recall the passage. Worked with her husband to steal, murder, etc… She is satan’s queen. She is a major demon and is the exact opposite of Our Blessed Mother Mary.
She is a queen in the old testament. I don’t recall the passage. Worked with her husband to steal, murder, etc… She is satan’s queen. She is a major demon and is the exact opposite of Our Blessed Mother Mary.
Yikes, scary!! Whcich Book in the Old testament!!??? So I can read about the story.
Yikes, scary!! Whcich Book in the Old testament!!??? So I can read about the story.
Read 1Kings Chps 16-22
Jezebel was the wife of Ahab, King of the Northern Kingdom of Israel.


Thanks for sharing!!!

Several years ago, I believe I received a “word” that someone, a very Godly woman, was being attacked by “spirit of deception, spirit of destruction and Jezabel Spirit”. The other two are self expanitory. The Jezabel was a puzzle to me.

Anything further from you in the know? How would you recommend praying in such a situation? I do appreciate your (name removed by moderator)ut.
Read 1Kings Chps 16-22
Jezebel was the wife of Ahab, King of the Northern Kingdom of Israel.

Thanks. I will search by Douy-Rheims catholic Bible.
Here is a prayer for you.

I claim the full victory that my Lord Jesus Christ won on the Cross for me. Having disarmed the powers and authorities, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross" (Col. 2:15) His victory for me is my victory.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I renounce all the workings of Satan in my life in all its forms, whether brought into my life by my actions or by others. I specifically renounce the spirit or spirit of tongues that I am now experiencing. I break all attachments, ground, curses, spells, and rights Satan may have in my life whether such ground was gained through my actions or through others. Strengthened by the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, of Blessed Michael the Archangel, of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and all the Saints and Angels of Heaven, and powerful in the holy authority of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I ask you Lord to command Satan and all his minions, whomever they may be, to get out of my life and stay out; especially the spirit or spirits of tongues. With that authority I now take back the ground in my life gained by Satan through the presence of these counterfeit gifts in my life. I reclaim this ground and my life for Christ. I ask you Father that I experience only those gifts that you have given me and that the counterfeit gifts of the evil one shall never have a place in my life. I now dedicate myself to the Lord Jesus Christ; I belong to Him alone. Amen. Holy Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the other evil spirits who prowl through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Revelation 2:

20] But I have against thee a few things: because thou sufferest the woman Jezabel, who calleth herself a prophetess, to teach, and to seduce my servants, to commit fornication, and to eat of things sacrificed to idols.
21] And I gave her a time that she might do penance, and she will not repent of her fornication.
22] Behold, I will cast her into a bed: and they that commit adultery with her shall be in very great tribulation, except they do penance from their deeds.
23] And I will kill her children with death, and all the churches shall know that I am he that searcheth the reins and hearts, and I will give to every one of you according to your works. But to you I say,
24] And to the rest who are at Thyatira: Whosoever have not this doctrine, and who have not known the depths of Satan, as they say, I will not put upon you any other burthen.
ANSWER by John-Paul Ignatius, OLSM on July 20, 2001

Dear Mrs Teresa:

Your story is cut off, but from what I can gather your story sounds a LOT like a situation of a spirit of Jezebel. It sounds like your friend, the priest, was probably under the influence of the Jezebel spirit. The two women you described are probably the source. In nearly every parish there are at least one or two women with a Jezebel spirit who cause great problems in the parish and with the pastor.

ANSWER by John-Paul Ignatius, OLSM on October 9, 2001

Dear Mrs: Teresa:

The situations you are relating are standard fare for the Jezebell Spirit. This insidious and grotesque spirit has infected many parishes. It usually attaches itself to women (and there are specific reasons for this), but men can be affected too.

In situations like this we need to remember that only God can deal with this. Sometimes we just need to back off and get out of harms way and retreat into prayer. Prayer is the most important weapon. Prayer is what the Jezebell spirit does NOT want you to do. The tactic of the Jezebell spirit is to get a person upset and frustrated and intangled in parish intrigue and political struggles to the point that one’s prayer life suffers. When that happens, STOP, RETREAT, PRAY. Pray for this Parish Priest. He is obviously under severe pressure and harassment from this Jezebell Spirit. Pray for his fortitude and courage to stand up against these forces that are bringing the parish down. He can do a lot to rid the parish of this spirit by spiritual warfare prayer in the name of his priestly ministry and by taking control over the actions of these women and firing them from their positions of influence. He needs to remember that he is the boss, not them. Pray, pray, pray. That is the main weapon.

Here is an excellent web site on spiritual warfare.
johnq said:
ANSWER by John-Paul Ignatius, OLSM on July 20, 2001

**Dear Mrs Teresa: **

**Your story is cut off, but from what I can gather your story sounds a LOT like a situation of a spirit of Jezebel. It sounds like your friend, the priest, was probably under the influence of the Jezebel spirit. The two women you described are probably the source. In nearly every parish there are at least one or two women with a Jezebel spirit who cause great problems in the parish and with the pastor. **

ANSWER by John-Paul Ignatius, OLSM on October 9, 2001

Dear Mrs: Teresa:

The situations you are relating are standard fare for the Jezebell Spirit. This insidious and grotesque spirit has infected many parishes. It usually attaches itself to women (and there are specific reasons for this), but men can be affected too.

In situations like this we need to remember that only God can deal with this. Sometimes we just need to back off and get out of harms way and retreat into prayer. Prayer is the most important weapon. Prayer is what the Jezebell spirit does NOT want you to do. The tactic of the Jezebell spirit is to get a person upset and frustrated and intangled in parish intrigue and political struggles to the point that one’s prayer life suffers. When that happens, STOP, RETREAT, PRAY. Pray for this Parish Priest. He is obviously under severe pressure and harassment from this Jezebell Spirit. Pray for his fortitude and courage to stand up against these forces that are bringing the parish down. He can do a lot to rid the parish of this spirit by spiritual warfare prayer in the name of his priestly ministry and by taking control over the actions of these women and firing them from their positions of influence. He needs to remember that he is the boss, not them. Pray, pray, pray. That is the main weapon.

Here is an excellent web site on spiritual warfare.

Also, the BLESSED Saint Benedict Medal, Prayers to Saint Micheal, and Holy Water. Pray the rosary daily.

I wonder, every parish also has a temptress or two who temps not only the MARRIED men of the parish, but will try to flirt even with the priest. IS THIS THAT DEMON TOO???
Dear Miser,
I’ve noticed that this has been an ongoing struggle for you and I can really sympathise. I still experience temptation in this dept. Let me pass on advise I heard in the confessional regarding sins that we can’t seem to overcome.

He said that the more we focus on it, it’s like throwing another log on the fire. So, maybe you ought to focus on other things, and eventually the fire may die down? And remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day… 🙂
Dear Miser,
I’ve noticed that this has been an ongoing struggle for you and I can really sympathise. I still experience temptation in this dept. Let me pass on advise I heard in the confessional regarding sins that we can’t seem to overcome.

He said that the more we focus on it, it’s like throwing another log on the fire. So, maybe you ought to focus on other things, and eventually the fire may die down? And remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day… 🙂
Great advice, thank you.
Good advice White Dove.

Miseridordie, this may sound wayyy out to you but for quite some time, now, I have felt you should find a Charismatic Prayer group and go get prayed over. I really do think, from your previous posts and what you have said to me, that you are deeply searching for healing. I doubt you can find anyplace else in the Church where you can get the prayer you want without any judgement.

Do you think this is why you are so drawn to the Charismatic threads?
I wouldn’t really suggest going to any extreme options unless they have at their center Jesus Christ. A novena or “getting prayed over” may help, but ultimately you will only overcome these sins with a consistant relationship with Jesus Christ. As well, Holy Water is great to keep in your pocket. Whener you feel tempted, cross yourself with the Holy Water, and toss some about the room. If nothing else, it will allow you to focus the on the power of Christ. 😃 That’s just my humble advice anyway.
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