I also thought I should comment on the last part. You’re subtly coloring the Church again with your own designs. The Church doesn’t operate according to demographic quotas. It has never stated that men and women ought to participate in public life in equal measure. The Church is silent on women in the workforce (and politics), which is an implicit acceptance, since the Church has never had to give an explicit “go ahead” for anything to be okay, or the list would go on forever. It simply speaks up when something is wrong, such as what needed done when the birth control in the form of a regular pill hit the market in the 1950s.I think that’s a pedantic reply. What I meant was that there’s no inherent bias to the female or male mind that should, in general, prohibit one form taking public office or sharing in government or intellectual matters. It has been stated by the Church that men and women ought to participate in public life in equal measure.
If a woman participates less in public life than her husband, that is her affair and she requires no justification for it. Her vocation may be more private in nature compared to others.