In the Byzantine-rite Divine Liturgy does the priest always shout/sing “Be attentive” to the congregation?

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I watched a Byzantine-rite Divine Liturgy the other day and noticed this (particularly before a reading) but was not sure if this is generic or just parish specific?
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I see! Perhaps it would catch on in the Latin-rite Church? Perhaps we could use an alternative Latin version ; Sapientiae! Esto Vigilans!
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This is a normal part of the liturgy.

I’m Maronite, so I’m not particularly knowledgeable of the Byzantine liturgy, but I believe this is a Diaconal proclamation similar to ours, not the priest’s.
If there’s a deacon present, he would take this role, but “Wisdom. Let us attend.” is part of the Liturgy.
but I believe this is a Diaconal proclamation similar to ours, not the priest’s.
Correct. In most cases, the priest issues it in the deacon’s absence.

I believe that it is now in St. Basil’s liturgy as well, although it is my understanding is that St. John Chrysotum added it.
Never shouted, but always chanted. 😀
This is the deacon’s reminder to the congregation that something important is about to be chanted, etc.
There are other similar instructions by the deacon, eg, [Secure/close] “the doors, the doors!” (Remove the catechumens and lock the doors). Or “approach with the fear of God and with faith!” (To receive the awesome life-giving mysteries).

Since many parishes don’t have a deacon, the priest would chant it in his absence.

Christ our True God is risen from the dead,
Fr. Deacon Christopher
Never shouted, but always chanted . 😀
Put that way, and considering what he was dealing with . . . I kind of wonder of St. John did have the deacons shout it . . . or maybe have the subdeacons wandering about, thumping clubs into their other hand as a hint . . . :crazy_face: 🤣 🤔

Edit: I meant to write “porters”, not subdeacons . . .
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Never shouted, but always chanted . 😀

Intoned, not sung, as a command:

“Let us be attentive” is also often heard…

Another is: “Let us bow our heads unto the Lord!” and we bow our heads toward the Icon of Christ on the iconostasis while the Priest prays the prayer of the bowing of the heads…

Also: “In the Fear of God, with Faith and Love draw near…”

There is great Majesty in these Services…

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