OK, it’s back to the old statistics
Here is a quick summary of the way that
the Church Fathers interpreted that verse -
“Thou are Peter and upon this rock…”
Archbishop Kenrick, who was one of America’s
extraordinary bishops, was opposed to the doctrine of
papal infallibilty and at the First Vatican Council
in 1869 he voted against it. He wanted to deliver
a speech against the proposed doctrine at the Council
but instead he ceased to attend the Council meetings.
He published his speech in Naples the following year.
It is important because he lists the five different
patristic interpretations of Matthew 16:18.
Let’s look at how the Church Fathers line up over this verse:
1…“That St. Peter is the Rock” is taught
by seventeen (17) Fathers
2…That the whole Apostolic College is the Rock,
represented by Peter as its chief,
is taught by eight (8 ) Church Fathers
3…That St. Peter’s faith is the Rock,
is taught by forty-four (44) Church Fathers
4…That Christ is the Rock,
is taught by sixteen Fathers (16)
5…That the rock is the whole body of the faithful.
Archbp. Kenrick gives no figure.
So, 17 Church Fathers saw Peter as the Rock.
68 Church Fathers did not see him as the Rock
Archbishop Kenrick summarises
“If we are bound to follow the greater number
of Fathers in this matter,** then we must hold
for certain that the word “Petra” means not Peter
professing the Faith, but the faith professed by Peter.”
**This is an important point by Archbishop Kenrick and
it should be given its full weight. It is RC doctrine
that where there is something disputed the choice must
be made for the consensus of the Fathers, the
consensus patrum.
You can look this up and check that I have it
accurately in
Friedrich, Docum ad illust. Conc. Vat. 1, pp. 185-246
As to who Archbishop Kenrick was.
Please see the Catholic Encyclopedia
Now in light of the fact that the large majority
of the Church Fathers do NOT teach that the Rock
is Saint Peter, I say that it is not fair to say that the
Orthodox are dunderheads over this matter.
Are the Church Fathers also dunderheads?