So what? God has that power. Or is there an implication that God is some ordinary creature?
Is there an implication that God is not a Divine Transcendent Super-Natural Powerful Pure Spirit? Is there the logical attempt to deny a fully-complete God?
. . .
You may have hit the nail on the head grannymh. I suspect the implication
is that
God is not a Divine Transcendent Super-Natural Powerful Pure Spirit , though I’m not quite convinced that the OP is fully aware of this. A certain leeway might be granted which would concede a potential difficulty for the OP to think outside the box on this one. Without faith , one can be at a disadvantage when it comes to an historical fact such as the Incarnation.
I question whether the OP is aware that God’s immutability is inferred from His being eternal.
The more complete way to express the principle is:
**God has no beginning , no succession and no end. **
God has no succession because He transcends time. But the finite human mind contemplates “a change” (or perceived change) the only way it knows how - within the confines of time and space , because without time and space change cannot be measured, noticed. I believe this is where a snag might exist for the OP - still trying to ascribe temporal parameters to an eternal God. The proposition insists on a
before and an
after for a God who is
from everlasting to everlasting (- yet remains totally devoid of details concerning the “during” - which is tantamount to confirming God cannot be defined - which in turn admits the Incarnation is a mystery ).
As much as this thread is becoming an exercise in repetition, I’ve appreciated reading your posts grannymh - they are edifying.
. . . can’t help but feel a little bit sorry for those who lack faith. For those of us with faith, the historical fact of the Incarnation of our Blessed Lord is not at all a burdensome thing. We can freely rest in the words of the holy Archangel Gabriel, who, when announcing the Incarnation to the Blessed Virgin Mary , confirmed:
“. . . for nothing will be impossible for God.”
Or, just as applicable , the words of God Incarnate Himself:
Jesus looked at them and said, "For human beings this is impossible, but for God all things are possible."
is God . . . unlike the OP’s proposition which erroneously implies/lconcludes with faulty logic that God is
not God.