Hi, friend.
I believe that these demons are quite real, and that people generate them, as poltergeist-like entities able to invade and affect our reality, when people engage in persistent illicit sexual activity. The activity which generates these things is usually habitual and persistent. If the wrongdoer is Catholic, sacrilegious abuse of the Sacraments of Reconciliation (by omitting discussion of the true level of guilt) and of the Eucharist (by knowingly receiving Communion in the state of mortal sin) also generates the demonic presence.
Demonic activity tends to be imitative. It tends to imitate Christ or Mary or the saints to poke fun at them, or it imitates the sinner whose sins generated the presence, to poke fun at the sinner.
So, serious sex-related sins generate a sexual demonic presence.
In a sense, when the demonic presence appears, as a consequence, it is like a phonograph record re-playing the sins which generated it, again and again and again.
The presences are sometimes invasive – if you don’t do something about them, they can get worse and worse and worse.
The sinner with the demonic presence can take heart in a few things. First, I think that God permits such presences because the person is able to be saved. The person is being warned, “Hey! Hell is a reality, you idiot, and that is where you are going unless you change!” It is Paul’s “thorn in the flesh.” See 2 Corinthians 12:7.
Second, though they are subjectively difficult for the sinner to eliminate, they are objectively easy to eliminate.
If we are talking about a sex sin underlying the presence – and we undoubtedly are – the individual must begin by “starving” the presence to death. Stop sinning. This works because the thing “eats dirt” – see Genesis 3:14 – sin is its “nutrition.” Sin energizes it. Pray to God for the will to stop sinning. He will give it to you. If we are talking about sex sin, here – and we undoubtedly are – the sinner should stop looking. Sexual conveting almost always precedes sexual sin.
***Search for and find a good confessor, who you can trust, and “let it all hang out” in a special Reconcilation session. ***Most priests can’t take something as bizarre as a sexual demonic presence beside your bed, grabbing you at night, imitating your sex sounds. It is just too outstandingly wierd. You really do need to prep the priest for what he is in for, in your confession, and also get him to know you, so that he doesn’t “freak-out” on you or conclude that you are insane.
Go to Communion frequently, even daily, after the sincere confession, and pray, pray, pray, pray, pray. And when you pray, don’t just roll-out incessant Hail Mary’s and Our Father’s – TALK to God, and to Mary.
The sacraments and pray will make you holy, and make your person intolerable to the demon. YOU will become HIS “demon,” and eventually HE’LL find YOU disgusting, and leave.
If you ask God to let you hear the demon’s departure, He will do so. It feels and sounds like an explosion.
I know that some of the readers here will think this material outstandingly wierd. It’s what I have learned, after 30 years of reading, talking, etc., etc., etc.