incubus and succubus- demons of lustful nature

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I wouldn’t necessarily write off all the accounts of incubi/succubi as accounts of erotic dreams -

Read some of Whitley Strieber’s books that mention his sexual encounters with one of the “aliens” he believes he’s being visited by. (Which have been seen by other people in his life, suggesting he is seeing something real, or else the others who see them as well are lying.) Others who believe in “aliens” sometimes report sexual encounters with them as well.
In one case, a medieval nun claimed to have been sexually assaulted by a local prelate, Bishop Sylvanus, but the bishop defended himself on the grounds that an incubus had assumed his form. The convent took his word for it.
I found this story from an article when I searched Incubus on Google. I thought it was rather interesting 😉 Does anyone know the official number of documented cases of these demons from the Church? I cannot help but wonder if there were many other cases like this one in the medieval Church…

i neve r said that it was a sin if it happens in your dreams but i did say that it affects your spirituality. indirectly the devil can attack you like this. watch. if you have a wet dream and wake up. chances are the next day you’ll remember something about the dream. some may remember more and in more detail. if this happens, lustful thoughts have now enterred your head. this in turn opens way for tempation and we all know that if we even think about it, it is a sin in Jesus’ own words about adultery. so you see indirectly the devil can attack us in our faithlife. the thjing about th eimpregnations i have no clue about and that wasn’t the point about what i was talking about. i was more worried with th eimplications these demons can have on someone who is trying to overcome the sin of lust or lustful thinking or acting.
I’ve heard about these Demons before and people who say they have encountered them . The people saying they had these encounters seemed to always have an addiction to Pornagraphy, or they had some strange perversions. I didnt know any of these people personally but heard these Stories on a Radio Program one night. Take it for what its worth , but I feel it does happen . It seems these sort of Stories are discussed from the time of the Early Church Fathers until the Present time .

Id suggest for you creed , that you seek RENOUCE , Your sexaul practices and get yourself inside the confines of CHURCH more . You need to destroy the Idols of Lust and replace it with Worship of the one True Lord.

FAST, Pray, Read Bible, Go to Mass , Take Sacraments, Seek Spiritual Direction From Holy Priest , Do this daily …if you can

I pray for you to be delievered from this In the Name of Jesus Christ .Amen
ok ok o k guys now people think i have these demons, lol. i don’t. i heard about them and so i wanted to learn more about them. read what the original post i made was. i do have firends though who i am sure have problems in these areas but i need to learn well about these things before i can confront them. you must know your enemy well backwards and forewards to be able to defeat it…well most of the time anyway. just yestrday i was at barnes and nobles and ran across some wotchcraft book that tell you how you can “achieve wild sexual pleasure by learning to invoke demons to have sex with.” i thought this was far more than scary because this means that there are people willfully inviting the same demons that i want to learn about to help others fight them who don’t even realize that they might be a reality in their lives! this is some scary stuff! we got witches out there trying to do the opposite of everything we do. We have on our hands a big spiritual war an dif we don’t learn about thir weapons as well as ours, we will surely pay dearly.
I wouldn’t put too much into all this “incubus” and “succubus” stuff. It is myth. Have you ever heard of women who conceive children without real-human intercourse (besides Mary of course)?

If there were such a thing as incubus and succubus we would have real documented cases of women who conceived evil children.
Actually yes to your question about hearing about women who have conceived with real-human intercourts. Satan has perpetrated “Virgin births” all through history in an attempt to lead people away from God.

If you read the book “Inside the Passion” you will see the
“demon child” in the movie is explained as such. Things considered legend today have a basis in truth. Just because we don’t see it today, doesn’t mean it never happened. As far as documented “evil children” I can think of several children who grew up to be evil men. I doubt satan is that stupid to have children do his will, and he perpetrates his evil all the time when they grow up to be adults…

Osama Bin Laden
Sadam Hussein
Adolph Hitler

The list of evil “children” goes on and on. Granted they may have been filled with the devil later in their lives, but we’ll never know while we’re on this earth.
All of the above comments are - simply, OPINIONS - including those of St Thomas Aquinas.

The teachings of the Church are set out in the Dogmas of the Faith. The bases for the Dogmatic Teachings are contained in Denzigers Enchiridion Symbolorum. There is nothing there about incubi or succubi. In fact, Pope Innocent VIII’s Bull “Summis disiderantes affectibus” is conspicuously absent!

IF it WAS an infallibly binding BULL - why is it missing from Denzigers?

The facts are that it unfortunately set in motion the Inquistions on untold numbers of “witches”. The Catholic Encyclopedia )c. 1912) entry on Pope Innocent VIII says On 5th Dec. 1484, he issued his much-abused Bull against witchcraft."

The Catholic Encyclopedia article on Witchcraft goes on to say "
Indirectly, however, by specifying the evil practices charged against the witches — for example their intercourse with incubi and succubi, their interference with the parturition of women and animals, the damage they did to cattle and the fruits of the earth, their power and malice in the infliction of pain and disease, the hindrance caused to men in their conjugal relations, and the witches’ repudiation of the faith of their baptism — the pope must no doubt be considered to affirm the reality of these alleged phenomena. But, as even Hansen points out (Zauberwahn, 468, n. 3) “it is perfectly obvious that the Bull pronounces no dogmatic decision”; neither does the form suggest that the pope wishes to bind anyone to believe more about the reality of witchcraft than is involved in the utterances of Holy Scripture. Probably the most disastrous episode was the publication a year or two later, by the same inquisitors, of the book “Malleus Maleficarum” (the hammer of witches).
The question of the reality of witchcraft is one upon which it is not easy to pass a confident judgment. In the face of Holy Scripture and the teaching of the Fathers and theologians the abstract possibility of a pact with the Devil and of a diabolical interference in human affairs can hardly be denied, but no one can read the literature of the subject without realizing the awful cruelties to which this belief and without being convinced that in 99 cases out of 100 the allegations rest upon nothing better than pure delusion.
Osama Bin Laden, Hitler, etc - heck, I could also add the names of the schismatic and excommunicated Lefebvre, Fellay, Williamson, de Gallaretta, de Malleraise.
Sir Knight said:
fogie, you could be right and you could be wrong. The only information I have on this matter is the following --There are Bible scholars who believe that the “sons of God” spoken of in (Genesis 6:1, 4) refer to fallen angels…

There are also Bible scholars who say that Christ Jesus wasn’t really the Son of God, never rose from the dead, and never performed any miracles.

The sons of God in Genesis 6 are not fallen angels. They are the righteous who obey God’s commands. The sons of man, OTOH, are the wicked and idolaters. Those brief verses at the beginning of Genesis 6 summarize one of the abiding themes of the OT: Do not intermarry with those who do not honor God.

– Mark L. Chance.
Hi, friend.

I believe that these demons are quite real, and that people generate them, as poltergeist-like entities able to invade and affect our reality, when people engage in persistent illicit sexual activity. The activity which generates these things is usually habitual and persistent. If the wrongdoer is Catholic, sacrilegious abuse of the Sacraments of Reconciliation (by omitting discussion of the true level of guilt) and of the Eucharist (by knowingly receiving Communion in the state of mortal sin) also generates the demonic presence.

Demonic activity tends to be imitative. It tends to imitate Christ or Mary or the saints to poke fun at them, or it imitates the sinner whose sins generated the presence, to poke fun at the sinner.

So, serious sex-related sins generate a sexual demonic presence.

In a sense, when the demonic presence appears, as a consequence, it is like a phonograph record re-playing the sins which generated it, again and again and again.

The presences are sometimes invasive – if you don’t do something about them, they can get worse and worse and worse.

The sinner with the demonic presence can take heart in a few things. First, I think that God permits such presences because the person is able to be saved. The person is being warned, “Hey! Hell is a reality, you idiot, and that is where you are going unless you change!” It is Paul’s “thorn in the flesh.” See 2 Corinthians 12:7.

Second, though they are subjectively difficult for the sinner to eliminate, they are objectively easy to eliminate.

If we are talking about a sex sin underlying the presence – and we undoubtedly are – the individual must begin by “starving” the presence to death. Stop sinning. This works because the thing “eats dirt” – see Genesis 3:14 – sin is its “nutrition.” Sin energizes it. Pray to God for the will to stop sinning. He will give it to you. If we are talking about sex sin, here – and we undoubtedly are – the sinner should stop looking. Sexual conveting almost always precedes sexual sin.

***Search for and find a good confessor, who you can trust, and “let it all hang out” in a special Reconcilation session. ***Most priests can’t take something as bizarre as a sexual demonic presence beside your bed, grabbing you at night, imitating your sex sounds. It is just too outstandingly wierd. You really do need to prep the priest for what he is in for, in your confession, and also get him to know you, so that he doesn’t “freak-out” on you or conclude that you are insane.

Go to Communion frequently, even daily, after the sincere confession, and pray, pray, pray, pray, pray. And when you pray, don’t just roll-out incessant Hail Mary’s and Our Father’s – TALK to God, and to Mary.

The sacraments and pray will make you holy, and make your person intolerable to the demon. YOU will become HIS “demon,” and eventually HE’LL find YOU disgusting, and leave.

If you ask God to let you hear the demon’s departure, He will do so. It feels and sounds like an explosion.

I know that some of the readers here will think this material outstandingly wierd. It’s what I have learned, after 30 years of reading, talking, etc., etc., etc.
G’day Bible Reader,

I am not sure to whom you are replying, but on the off-chance that it is to my post –

I do not disagree with you anything which you have written: I totally believe in the existence and influence of the devil and his fallen angels, “who roam throughout the world seeking the destruction of souls.”

However, I do NOT believe in the concept of a spirit having sexual relations with human beings and producing off-spring thereby. Is it possible, though, that a demon could possess a human being (with the consent of that human being) and that possessed human having sexual relations with another human being and thereby producing off-spring? YES! That IS possible!

Would the the resultant off-spring be a demon or have a predisposition to evil? Yes, within the sense that all persons born are subject to the effects of Original sin. but, otherwise: NO! The person produced would be a Child of God, with the same possibilities of Salvation, having been redeemed, as any other person born into this world.

I hope that explains my thoughts.
gelsbern wrote:
Notice it says “much abused” and not false, or error ridden.
Nor does it claim that the said Bull was infallible in all aspects. And, I repeat: it didn’t make Denzingers. Any explanation?
Is it possible, though, that a demon could possess a human being (with the consent of that human being){/QUOTE]
“with or without the consent of that human being.”
If the possession was “without consent” or contrary to the will of the possessed person, then that person would not be blameworthy for such sinful actions.
Hi, friend.

I believe that these demons are quite real, and that people generate them, as poltergeist-like entities able to invade and affect our reality, when people engage in persistent illicit sexual activity. The activity which generates these things is usually habitual and persistent. If the wrongdoer is Catholic, sacrilegious abuse of the Sacraments of Reconciliation (by omitting discussion of the true level of guilt) and of the Eucharist (by knowingly receiving Communion in the state of mortal sin) also generates the demonic presence.

Demonic activity tends to be imitative. It tends to imitate Christ or Mary or the saints to poke fun at them, or it imitates the sinner whose sins generated the presence, to poke fun at the sinner.

So, serious sex-related sins generate a sexual demonic presence.

In a sense, when the demonic presence appears, as a consequence, it is like a phonograph record re-playing the sins which generated it, again and again and again.

The presences are sometimes invasive – if you don’t do something about them, they can get worse and worse and worse.

The sinner with the demonic presence can take heart in a few things. First, I think that God permits such presences because the person is able to be saved. The person is being warned, “Hey! Hell is a reality, you idiot, and that is where you are going unless you change!” It is Paul’s “thorn in the flesh.” See 2 Corinthians 12:7.

Second, though they are subjectively difficult for the sinner to eliminate, they are objectively easy to eliminate.

If we are talking about a sex sin underlying the presence – and we undoubtedly are – the individual must begin by “starving” the presence to death. Stop sinning. This works because the thing “eats dirt” – see Genesis 3:14 – sin is its “nutrition.” Sin energizes it. Pray to God for the will to stop sinning. He will give it to you. If we are talking about sex sin, here – and we undoubtedly are – the sinner should stop looking. Sexual conveting almost always precedes sexual sin.

***Search for and find a good confessor, who you can trust, and “let it all hang out” in a special Reconcilation session. ***Most priests can’t take something as bizarre as a sexual demonic presence beside your bed, grabbing you at night, imitating your sex sounds. It is just too outstandingly wierd. You really do need to prep the priest for what he is in for, in your confession, and also get him to know you, so that he doesn’t “freak-out” on you or conclude that you are insane.

Go to Communion frequently, even daily, after the sincere confession, and pray, pray, pray, pray, pray. And when you pray, don’t just roll-out incessant Hail Mary’s and Our Father’s – TALK to God, and to Mary.

The sacraments and pray will make you holy, and make your person intolerable to the demon. YOU will become HIS “demon,” and eventually HE’LL find YOU disgusting, and leave.

If you ask God to let you hear the demon’s departure, He will do so. It feels and sounds like an explosion.

I know that some of the readers here will think this material outstandingly wierd. It’s what I have learned, after 30 years of reading, talking, etc., etc., etc.
That’s pretty scary… where did you hear/read about this ?

This would make huge number of folks subject to demonic possession.

Sean O L:
G’day Bible Reader,

I am not sure to whom you are replying, but on the off-chance that it is to my post –

I do not disagree with you anything which you have written: I totally believe in the existence and influence of the devil and his fallen angels, “who roam throughout the world seeking the destruction of souls.”

However, I do NOT believe in the concept of a spirit having sexual relations with human beings and producing off-spring thereby. Is it possible, though, that a demon could possess a human being (with the consent of that human being) and that possessed human having sexual relations with another human being and thereby producing off-spring? YES! That IS possible!

Would the the resultant off-spring be a demon or have a predisposition to evil? Yes, within the sense that all persons born are subject to the effects of Original sin. but, otherwise: NO! The person produced would be a Child of God, with the same possibilities of Salvation, having been redeemed, as any other person born into this world.

I hope that explains my thoughts.
Hi, Sean.

Incubuses and succubuses are not necessarily the phenomenon referred to in Genesis 6:1-4.

Incubuses and succubuses – liliths – probably just engage in sex acts with the sinner who gave life to their presence in our reality, with his or her sin.

You can see the Genesis 6:1-4 phenomenon taking place today in the UFO Abduction Phenomenon. There the victims who are women – about 3/4s of them – report the ridiculous story that mystical beings appear to them, paralyze them, abduct them, rape them, impregnate them, and then cause their “baby” to be given birth to by abortion a few months later in a re-abduction.

How is it all accomplished? Are “earth girls” really being raped and impregnated by demons in the Abduction Phenomenon?

Nah! I don’t believe it! I personally believe that the girls’ memories are being telekinetically altered by ambient demons so that dream memories are being replaced with seamless, perfectly fictional memories of abduction, rape and impregnation; that an hysterical pregnancy is the result; and the hysterical pregnancy is terminated when a new seamless, perfectly fictional memory of abduction and abortion are added to the girls’ memories, again by telekinesis.

I believe that that is actually the process being briefly described in Genesis 6:1-4, also. The word “Nephilim” doesn’t mean “giants,” but “aborted ones.”

Though the mental illusions are fictional – no real abductions and rapers and pregnancies are taking place – they may reflect an underlying spiritual reality, however. Up above, I described how serious sin activates special presences of demons in our environment.

Well, right now our society is butchering about one-and-a-quarter million fetuses a year. We have far, far outstripped the Nazi Death Camps in regard to numbers of human lives taken.

And now we find out that a hefty percentage of the Pills’ efficacy – a fifth? – arises from its impact as an abortifacient.

I.e., about once every five months, sexually active girls on the Pill are aborting fertilized offspring.

This may translate to tens of millions of more human lives lost in societies making use of the Pill.

In other words, because our society is so successful at murdering human beings by the bushel, the evil in our society has generated a massive, sophisticated demonic presence, which grows every time the number of murdered aborted humans goes up, and these ridiculous Abduction Phenomenon illusions, in which Nephilim are generated by abortion, may reflect a growth in demonic presence in our reality.

I have long suspected that this is where the genuine crop circles, with unbroken braided stalks and no human footprints in the designs in the farmers’ fields, come from.
Angelic beings (such as Demons) are bodiless. While they can take on the appearance of a human being, that appearance or form is not a living human body.

The reason being that a human body is designed to hold human life, or soul. If the soul has gone, Body becomes dead and ceases being. An Angel is not a human soul and so cannot “animate” a live human body.

Because they have no body of their own and cannot animate a live human body, angelic procreation is impossible. They have no genes to propagate.

Now, men or women under “possession” are another case entirely.

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