You’ll refute solid stats with absolutely no evidence to back your statements up, but to defend your points that Vat 2 is unfinished business producing vocations (like 40 years isn’t enough to get the seminaries some good young men), you throw some ridiculous unprovable statement from an unknown source. I had to laugh when I read that. All the priests that have come from trad seminaries are the best formed priests I have ever encountered. **But your subjective opinion, in other threads, rejects an ecumenical council of the Church, so it would be difficult to credit whether these were “the best formed priests.” Good Catholics don’t dismiss popes or councils, pastoral or not, so I would have to question whether you know a good priest or not. I’m simply telling you what one of your fellow “traditionalists” said.
And as for solid evidence, you still don’t get it. NO ONE questions the “evidence,” the statistics, no one at all. No one questions that there isn’t a cancer in the Church. We simply don’t believe that it’s the fault of the council or the pope or the Mass. **
As far as good fruits from the past 40 years? The STL diocese just closed 13 out of 35 parishes in one deanery (southside). The rest are going on the chopping block soon. There are some gorgeous churches being dismantled. St. Francis de Sales was slated to go as well, but the Institute of Christ the King came in and saved it. Deo gratias!
Please, produce some evidence to support there are good fruits coming from the Council. Show me the data and stop the rhetoric.