Infallibility and doctrine

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By the power of the Holy Spirit who prevents them from doing so.
You said everything the Pope says or teaches in regards to God is infallible, but if he says something ordinary like it’s going to rain, that’s not infallible because he could be wrong and it doesn’t rain… so wouldn’t that mean his teaching are what’s infallible?

Their divine teaching of God, is infallible through the power of the Holy Spirit. Their teaching of the Word of God is infallible? Why would God need to make the person infallible if the Word of God is infallible?

Is there scripture to explain this or is it Matthew 16:19?
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I am having trouble understanding how some teachings are non-infallible and some are.

So the teaching on masturbation is infallible or not? Why is it infallible or non-infallible if it is?

What would be an example of a non-infallible teaching if there are any?

Are the theologians who dissent with infallible teachings in mortal sin? Are they going to hell?
I really don’t know why some people (I am talking generally and not you specifically) obsess over knowing which teachings are infallible and non-infallible.
We are BOUND BY BOTH so it really doesn’t matter.
Assuming the three conditions for a sin to be mortal are met anyone who rejects any Church teaching (infallible or non-infallible) commits a mortal sin.
I really don’t know why some people (I am talking generally and not you specifically) obsess over knowing which teachings are infallible and non-infallible.
When I see this, it’s generally because somebody is hoping a particular teaching in some area will change or that there’s a loophole to get out of it somehow. Nobody ever picks a teaching to ask this about that they personally don’t have any issue with, it’s always something that they think is questionable.
You said everything the Pope says or teaches in regards to God is infallible,
No I didn’t say that. Nor is that true.

I said when he teaches ex cathedra that something is definitively taught or together with the bishops does so.
Why would God need to make the person infallible if the Word of God is infallible?
AgaIn, the Bible isn’t infallible. No book is infallible nor document. Things aren’t infallible. People are. People infallibly teach in certain cases.
AgaIn, the Bible isn’t infallible.
It is inerrant, and inspired… the upshot of infallibility and inspiration…
So the teaching on masturbation is infallible or not? Why is it infallible or non-infallible if it is?
Yes, of course it is infallible, as it is contained in the clear dictates of reason and reiterated consistently for 20 centuries by the Church in Her preaching and teaching on morals.

If you are asking because you are struggling with this, well, my standard advice is this:

There are monitoring programs (like Covenant Eyes) that can help with controlling electronic media. You could try using that with a trusted friend or mentor. Other than that, you need to put distance between yourself and the occasion of sin - keep windows and doors open, take cold showers, reduce (or eliminate temporarily) alcohol use around certain people/in certain situations, etc. Laughing more is also helpful, especially in the moment of temptation (rational delight filling the body - so watch more comedy!) as is fasting and other mild discomfort which distracts the body (holding your breath, biting your tongue, etc.)… just getting up and walking around can also give the space and time necessary to get a grip. Exercise also helps, in various ways, also in the moment… distracting and exhausting the body. Instinctively praying a decade of the rosary (meditating especially on one of the sorrowful mysteries) or singing a verse of a pious hymn will also create the time and strength of will you need to do what is right. Meditate also in the moment on the imminence of death, and always ask for the help of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph… and ask the Lord always for the help you need. Go to confession as needed, then return to receiving Holy Communion.
What does that mean?
It means he only exercises ex cathedra when he is specifically teaching that something must be definitively held as a dogma. For example: the assumption of the BVM. The immaculate conception.
Both of these were a dogmatic definition done ex cathedra. As opposed to the dogma of the theotokos, Mary Mother of God, which was done via a solemn definition at an ecumenical council (Ephesus).
What would he teach ex cathedra other then what applies to God’s Truth?
He teaches many things NOT ex cathedra. The Popes teach all the time, but not all teaching is an exercise of infallibility.
So if he is classifying something as dogma, it’s infallible, through the power of the Holy Spirit?
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