Agreed, people were claiming authority over scripture from the very beginning.The Reformers just didn’t just come along
I hit to close to home on this so let’s go back farther to the Gnostics. 100 years later they told the Catholic Church she is wrong, Jesus Christ could not be true God and true man. 300 years later Arianism taught the Christ was a creature made by God. 1000 years later Albigensians taught that spirit was created by a good god and the world by an evil god.
Sure, after the fact, we can all agree that these sects were wrong. But what about at that time in history? Did the Catholic Church have the authority to stop these other Catholic scholars, fully aware of the history and practice of the early Church?
Can you at least see, A LITTLE BIT, how these events say something about a “chain of authority”?
Maybe you need to look beyond the words on the page and consider the events?I don’t know which side is right… Luther believed in the real presence…
Catholics believe in the real presence and the sacrifice of the mass. Luther didn’t believe in the sacrifice of the mass so he dropped it. Calvin demotes Luther’s teaching to spiritual, Baptists to sacramental and some present day evangelicals from once or twice a year to never.
Same goes with Baptism, Confession, Prayer to Saints, etc… Luther narrowed the teachings, Calvin narrowed them more until today they have disappeared (become non-essential) in some Churches.
Maybe you need to look beyond the explanations and consider the patterns of theology becoming narrower and narrower.
Have you ever asked yourself why you get to consider? Don’t take this the wrong way I’m not saying you can’t or you are wrong if you do, I’m simply asking if you believe you have the authority to do so? From our talks it seems you believe Baptism is essential is it OK for others to divide and think it is non-essential?… it is in matters that I consider to be non-essential for salvation.
I believe there can be and is a great deal of unity, we wouldn’t be here if there wasn’t. However, I would caution that you don’t take our conversations here as a sign of disunity. After all it is an Apologetics forum.So in spite of division…
I find it interesting that every time you SEE and consider things on your own you lean towards the Catholic side and then every time you HEAR a Catholic- Protestant debate you lean Protestant.And to be honest, each time I think through this Catholic-Protestant debate, I come down mostly on the Protestant side. But I continue to pray that God, through his Spirit, will lead me into all truth.
Any chance what you SEE might be the spirit leading you and what you HEAR is the world leading you?
Just a thought to think and pray about.
God Bless