We are told that ‘the household’ is baptised but we are never explicitly told that included infants. Nor are we told it excluded them. The fact is, we don’t know for sure. The household did include servants and those who believed.
Please note WHEN and HOW these people were baptised:
Acts 2:40-42 (Believers at Pentecost)
Acts 8:12-13 (Converts in Samaria)
The Ethiopian Eunuch - Acts 8: 36-39.
Saul of Tarsus - Acts 9: 17-20
Lydia of Thyatira - Acts 16:14-15
Philippian Jailerand Household- Acts 16:31-34
Believers at Corinth - Acts 18:8
Water baptism took place AFTER a person became a follower of Jesus and by full immersion. In obedience, none refused.
Well yes, it did take place after because in the days of the apostles everyone was a convert to the faith… there were no “cradle” Christians. Households were brought to be baptized when conversions took place. I find it rather hard to believe none of those households had children in them.
It has been since the days of the apostles that whole families convert not just the adults…this is obvious from scripture and from Jewish Tradition…that parents speak for their children and incorporate them into their faith.
As I understand it to be…Protestants do not do that… they do not bring their children to Christ but rather wait for their children to come to Christ themselves.
I don’t see any biblical support that suggests a child wait for their own conversion experience to Christ before they can be a Christian. I don’t see where the bible says only the people over the age of 12 can be Christian nor do I see the bible saying only those who reach an age of reason can be Christian.
Baptism is not a public statement. No where in the bible will any of us come close to reading it is. Baptism is a mystery.
Baptism is the “New and everlasting covenant” in which we enter into the paschal mystery with Jesus Christ and we die with him so we can be raised with him to a new life.
We all have a right to redemption for two reasons…1) salvation is a free gift and it can not be earned and 2) because Christ died for all of people.
And last I knew… babies were people too.
He came to save us and he wishes we all could be saved through his death and resurrection. The way he does it is through baptism. No works needed… this is freely given to us through the ministry of his Church.
Of course after a person is baptized he can lose his salvation but that’s a whole other thread.