It’s true. The purpose of confession is not to force someone to revealing facts about their sins, but to facilitate God’s mercy and forgiveness.This is interesting! I’m not convinced that is entirely accurate.
CCC # 1424It’s true. The purpose of confession is not to force someone to revealing facts about their sins, but to facilitate God’s mercy and forgiveness.
Depending on the situation, it may already be a condition of receiving forgiveness. So while Absolution does not depend on restitution, contrition/repentance depends on the will to restitution. In a situation where the priest knows that the penitent has no intention of proper restitution, the priest can conclude that contrition is lacking. Obviously priests have different stances on whether they would offer absolution to a person who has no intention of restitution/satisfaction.A priest can certainly suggest that the right thing to do is to confess, turn oneself in, etc. But it can’t be a condition of absolution.
Not necessarily. Intentions/motives of the heart can be known, or can be hidden. It’s possible to know motives primarily by the penitents own admission. Tribunals make judgments by scrutinizing behavior and using that as proof of intentions all the time. Though the latter is a more slippery slope, I believe.God knows the heart of the individual and the individual knows their motives for coming to confession, if those motives are such that they are abusing the sacrament then that would be a different sin altogether, but only God can know that.
That thread was deleted.We have been over this on a whole other thread where at least one priest explained it to you.
That’s even way beyond not requiring them to fess up. That’s encouraging deceit.Also, there are plenty of past threads on here where people said priests counseled them to not disclose infidelity to a spouse.
While engaged to his fiance. That is an impediment to the Sacrament to many Tribunals.Finally, the OP did not commit infidelity to a spouse. He was not married when he had relations with his colleague. He was basically fornicating with the colleague
ONLY because she established that she would not want to know.He does not need to confess cheating or adultery.