Infiltration... Top selling catholic book on amazon

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Dr Taylor Marshall’s book infiltration is currently the top selling book on amazon. This should make traditional catholics very happy…

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I bought the kindle version, so after reading it I will at least know what all the fuss is about
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To be honest, and this may be flippant, my reaction to this as a Traditionalist Catholic is as follows:


There are other books I would prefer to see topping that list.
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To be honest, and this may be flippant, my reaction to this as a Traditionalist Catholic is as follows:


There are other books I would prefer to see topping that list.
Anything by Brant Pitre, Scott Hahn, Father Mitch- literally anything.
How about Strangers In A Strange Land by Archbishop Chaput, that’s one I want to read.

Also Fr. Chad Rippergers - The Intrigal Good

Life of St.Anthony of Egypt
Anything by Brant Pitre, Scott Hahn, Father Mitch- literally anything.
If we want to focus on popular Traditionalist titles (of which I’m no expert, but I’ll pick on books related to Traditional Catholicism), then the Catechism of Trent, the Baltimore Catechism, “The Holy Mass” by Dom Prosper Guéranger, the “Blessed Be God” prayer book and/or any 1962 missal, books by Fulton Sheen, “The Power of Silence” by Cardinal Robert Sarah, “Nothing Superfluous” by Fr. James Jackson, FSSP…

I could go on. There are many books that I’d be happier to see on the top of that list.
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Thank you for the link. When deciding whether to buy or read a book I do like to read any negative reviews and not just the positive ones, as I think then I have more of a balanced point of view from which to make my purchasing/reading decisons.
That is one of the most cogent comments on the conspiratorialist I have read. And sadly, the book will support those whose depth is barely veneer thick.
This review sums up the many, many problems with Marshall’s book.
This is an off beat scathing criticism of the book, rudely calling it an idiot’s guide, which is at variance with the extremely high ratings that the book gets from amazon readers. Dr. Marshall is an incredible person with a beautiful wife and eight children and author of several books. Here is his webpage:

here is some info:

Dr. Marshall, a convert from the Anglican priesthood, is the Dean of Fisher More College where he is also professor of philosophy.
I am glad to hear some criticism from those who have read the book. My amazon order is backlogged for 4 to 6 weeks. I think I will cancel the order.

I listen to Marshall and Gordon’s lengthy videos on youtube. At my local parish, there seems to be a conspiracy to cover-up the sexual abuse scandals and costly financial settlements, or perhaps it is better to say that the locals pretend that these things don’t exist. While at the same time we hear Cardinal Burke and many others saying that the Church has lost all credibility. So, I say, OK, criticize Marshall, but let’s hear YOUR theory about what’s going on, with the global scandals, Pope Francis’s reluctance to respond to dubia questions which are of great significance, Archbp Vigano’s accusations which seem to have been totally substantiated.

There are big problems in the church, starting for sure with the illicit ordination of homosexual individuals to the priesthood (illicit in the sense that leaders in the church have said over and over that it should not be done). And, there are other problems of clericalism, bishops living in multi-million dollar mansions while begging for MORE money, the lack of adequate catechesis of two generations of Catholics, declining Mass attendance, declining belief in the Real Presence, etc.

Personally, I am being persuaded by those who criticize the Novus Ordo Mass. It’s implementation was supposed to increase devotion and evangelization, and it has not done either. We see a bishop in Chile who refuses to give the Eucharist to a lady who kneels to receive it. We have the McCarrick scandal and his very bad deal with China.

The review in Catholic itself fails to offer any explanation for all the abuses in the Church, especially the money laundering at the Vatican Bank. Taylor Marshall and Tim Gordon bring many inconvenient facts to light, two Catholics not afraid to tells the facts as they are. Now, I haven’t seen the book, but I don’t discount conspiracy theories just because they are conspiracy theories. There are conspiracies in the Church. Christ said that there would be. The evidence is clear,
It is odd that Catholics would applaud a book for being on AMAZON’S best seller list. Most traditional Catholics go out of their way to obtain their books from some other source, if possible.

Lurid type books, tempting readers to confess and repent sins of other persons, will always out sell those books that urge us to confess and repent our own sins. Does reading this kind of book benefit the reader?
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I read the book and found it to be well sourced and very thorough in its documentation of certain events. Dr. Marshall attempts to layout a timeline chronicling how these events, when viewed in light of each other, could be something more then mere coincidence.

He doesn’t make conclusions based simply on allegations or rumors. His book isn’t a “who done it” of conspiracy theories, where he gives his own conclusions as to the “why” of what transpired.

Obviously he has a belief about the infiltration of the Church, but his book, if I had to use an analogy, would be similar to a detective or private investigator, who compiled all the fruits of their investigation and laid them out for everyone to see. Yet, some of the information in his book is included, not because Dr. Marshall believes in its authenticity, but to show how questionable and uncertain a given event was.

In the end it’s up to the reader to decide what to accept and what to dismiss.

In the final pages Dr. Marshall answers the question of “what do we do now?” In short he advises staying faithful to the Church and trusting in God to fight for us, but also to remain vigilant and prayerful.
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Lurid type books, tempting readers to confess and repent sins of other persons, will always out sell those books that urge us to confess and repent our own sins. Does reading this kind of book benefit the reader?
I’m not sure if your question was meant to be rhetorical, but I’ll try to answer it. It’s not a hit piece meant to show the sinfulness of the clergy members he mentions.

Think of the McCarrick scandal today and how so many clergy began distancing themselves from him, when it became evident that the evidence against McCarrick was too great to dismiss. Everyone claims to have known nothing, including the Pope. Yet, there are those such as Viganò, who directly claim that others are lying, including the Pope.

Now imagine that someone 50 or 60 years from now decided to write about the corruption that transpired during these decades of abuse and documents all the evidence, including the “he said, she said” rumors and allegations.

Not because every story or rumor is true, but to show how sketchy and confusing this time period was. To show that just because someone claims, “they knew nothing” the evidence and eye witness accounts, paint a different picture and the probability that this person did in fact “know” about what transpired is too great to ignore.

That’s what Dr. Marshall does in this book.
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Having read a few positive reviews, including yours here, and starting to listen to Marshall’s podcast, I think I will order the book. I am super skeptical most of the time regarding conspiracy theories, but my interest is piqued and I am keen to understand different perspectives on where and why the Church has gone awry.
Dr Marshall was on the edge of my attention, I would occasionally read his stuff, struck me as arrogant but that is not a deal killer for me.

Then he mocked seminarians for baking gingerbread.

This mockery was at the level of a 12 year old playground bully. Nope. This scratched the surface to reveal plain old ugly “Red Pill/MGTOW” attitudes.

Nope, not going to put a penny in his pocket.
Hmmm. Wow. Good to know. I will be sure to take him with a big old grain of salt. I currently teach Grade One. Grown men do a lot more “effeminate” stuff than just decorate gingerbread men lol! 🙂
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