I am glad to hear some criticism from those who have read the book. My amazon order is backlogged for 4 to 6 weeks. I think I will cancel the order.
I listen to Marshall and Gordon’s lengthy videos on youtube. At my local parish, there seems to be a conspiracy to cover-up the sexual abuse scandals and costly financial settlements, or perhaps it is better to say that the locals pretend that these things don’t exist. While at the same time we hear Cardinal Burke and many others saying that the Church has lost all credibility. So, I say, OK, criticize Marshall, but let’s hear YOUR theory about what’s going on, with the global scandals, Pope Francis’s reluctance to respond to dubia questions which are of great significance, Archbp Vigano’s accusations which seem to have been totally substantiated.
There are big problems in the church, starting for sure with the illicit ordination of homosexual individuals to the priesthood (illicit in the sense that leaders in the church have said over and over that it should not be done). And, there are other problems of clericalism, bishops living in multi-million dollar mansions while begging for MORE money, the lack of adequate catechesis of two generations of Catholics, declining Mass attendance, declining belief in the Real Presence, etc.
Personally, I am being persuaded by those who criticize the Novus Ordo Mass. It’s implementation was supposed to increase devotion and evangelization, and it has not done either. We see a bishop in Chile who refuses to give the Eucharist to a lady who kneels to receive it. We have the McCarrick scandal and his very bad deal with China.
The review in Catholic
Culture.org itself fails to offer any explanation for all the abuses in the Church, especially the money laundering at the Vatican Bank. Taylor Marshall and Tim Gordon bring many inconvenient facts to light, two Catholics not afraid to tells the facts as they are. Now, I haven’t seen the book, but I don’t discount conspiracy theories just because they are conspiracy theories. There are conspiracies in the Church. Christ said that there would be. The evidence is clear,