EXACTLY EXACTLY EXACTLY. Matter and energy can not be created or destroyed, QUOTE] Hubriss
Humans cannot create energy and destroy it.
But, Why does this mean that it cannot be created or destroyed? This is a assumption that supports a belief, and is not based on “Reason” its based on a desire for such a thing to be the case.
The argument for God is also a “desire” to prove a God that exists apart from the universe.
The difference is that, to me, even though God is not empirically verifiable, there is suffcient “reason” to believe, that the univeresal laws understood by science, actually supports the Christian understanding of God, a God that is unchanging.
The Univerese on the other hand, is constantly changing and suggests a cause, and relies upon changes and causes and the mixing of the material products to ensure that stars are born. This suggests a motive, a mission, a following of a plan that has an end.
Hot suns, are a contradiction and an opposition to a freezing cold pitch black void. Why should a dark black void promote light and heat? If the universe was boiling hot and full of light, what would be the point of it? There are messages all around us shouting out, " we are created! to be conciously defined by humans".
Light and dark supports and defines eachother and needs eachother to be defined. They exist souly for eachother, and can only be realised and looked upon by a “human concious mind”. The Stars and different colourfull gas clouds of the universe would not be so bueatifull, if it was not for the fact it was painted on to a black canvas. It is a perfect work of art.
Ultimate reality
Ultimate reality, the foundation of everything, on which the reality we call the “universe”, rests upon. It is not physical since the universe needs existence “its very self” to exist in the first place.
There must be an invisible untangible reality, since we exist in it, but cant see any physical trace of it. but we know that we exist, and that it exists, since it is existence.
There is reason to believe ( not just from biblical revelation, but science) that the universe is a product of “existence”, I do not believe nor see reason to think that the “universe is existence” its very self.
The idea that materials unconciously manifests its own laws of workings, and works acording to the laws that each material manifests, to continously produce what we see today, is illogical and unreasonable and is an insult to human thinking, and God. God bless.
EXACTLY EXACTLY EXACTLY. Matter and energy can not be created or destroyed, QUOTE] Hubriss
Humans cannot create energy and destroy it.
But, Why does this mean that it cannot be created or destroyed? This is a assumption that supports a belief, and is not based on “Reason” its based on a desire for such a thing to be the case.
The argument for God is also a “desire” to prove a God that exists apart from the universe.
The difference is that, to me, even though God is not empirically verifiable, there is suffcient “reason” to believe, that the univeresal laws understood by science, actually supports the Christian understanding of God, a God that is unchanging.
The Univerese on the other hand, is constantly changing and suggests a cause, and relies upon changes and causes and the mixing of the material products to ensure that stars are born. This suggests a motive, a mission, a following of a plan that has an end.
Hot suns, are a contradiction and an opposition to a freezing cold pitch black void. Why should a dark black void promote light and heat? If the universe was boiling hot and full of light, what would be the point of it? There are messages all around us shouting out, " we are created! to be conciously defined by humans".
Light and dark supports and defines eachother and needs eachother to be defined. They exist souly for eachother, and can only be realised and looked upon by a “human concious mind”. The Stars and different colourfull gas clouds of the universe would not be so bueatifull, if it was not for the fact it was painted on to a black canvas. It is a perfect work of art.
Ultimate reality
Ultimate reality, the foundation of everything, on which the reality we call the “universe”, rests upon. It is not physical since the universe needs existence “its very self” to exist in the first place.
There must be an invisible untangible reality, since we exist in it, but cant see any physical trace of it. but we know that we exist, and that it exists, since it is existence.
There is reason to believe ( not just from biblical revelation, but science) that the universe is a product of “existence”, I do not believe nor see reason to think that the “universe is existence” its very self.
The idea that materials unconciously manifests its own laws of workings, and works acording to the laws that each material manifests, to continously produce what we see today, is illogical and unreasonable and is an insult to human thinking, and God. God bless.