Infinite universe?

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EXACTLY EXACTLY EXACTLY. Matter and energy can not be created or destroyed, QUOTE] Hubriss


Humans cannot create energy and destroy it.

But, Why does this mean that it cannot be created or destroyed? This is a assumption that supports a belief, and is not based on “Reason” its based on a desire for such a thing to be the case.

The argument for God is also a “desire” to prove a God that exists apart from the universe.

The difference is that, to me, even though God is not empirically verifiable, there is suffcient “reason” to believe, that the univeresal laws understood by science, actually supports the Christian understanding of God, a God that is unchanging.

The Univerese on the other hand, is constantly changing and suggests a cause, and relies upon changes and causes and the mixing of the material products to ensure that stars are born. This suggests a motive, a mission, a following of a plan that has an end.

Hot suns, are a contradiction and an opposition to a freezing cold pitch black void. Why should a dark black void promote light and heat? If the universe was boiling hot and full of light, what would be the point of it? There are messages all around us shouting out, " we are created! to be conciously defined by humans".

Light and dark supports and defines eachother and needs eachother to be defined. They exist souly for eachother, and can only be realised and looked upon by a “human concious mind”. The Stars and different colourfull gas clouds of the universe would not be so bueatifull, if it was not for the fact it was painted on to a black canvas. It is a perfect work of art.

Ultimate reality

Ultimate reality, the foundation of everything, on which the reality we call the “universe”, rests upon. It is not physical since the universe needs existence “its very self” to exist in the first place.

There must be an invisible untangible reality, since we exist in it, but cant see any physical trace of it. but we know that we exist, and that it exists, since it is existence.

There is reason to believe ( not just from biblical revelation, but science) that the universe is a product of “existence”, I do not believe nor see reason to think that the “universe is existence” its very self.

The idea that materials unconciously manifests its own laws of workings, and works acording to the laws that each material manifests, to continously produce what we see today, is illogical and unreasonable and is an insult to human thinking, and God. God bless. :cool:
My Own speculative, but reasonable veiw of reality. :yup:

Whether, indirectly or directly, there is nothing that exists, that doesn’t serve some kind of purpose or hasn’t come about as a result of forces or cause and change(except for existence itself).

Forces do not act by them selves. Energy and matter doesn’t decide to create unions by them selves. They act acording to there purpose, untill munipulated to act otherwise.

Everything is connected in some way to the continuity of the universe, or the life that exists on Earth. Even planets that we percieve to be dead, “in my opinion” serve a purpose.

These planets, (though seemingly pointless), create some kind of energy and gravity acording to there size, that creates an affect in are solar system, and more importantly provide cover.
If you notice most life threating comets or asteroids, never make it to earth.

Planets have a purpose?!! 😃 😛

I cannot prove that this is the reason why those planets are there, but it fits in with the idea of a creator that would want us to live in a world, bound by laws and rules, this is a universe that is dependent on a creator(what ever you thing the creator is) as its foundation. All animals that are concious of a reality that is beyond there physical need to sleep, eat, and pass fluids, needs a father Who is concious like them, to guide them. By are very nature alone we are dependent on something that occured before us, that knows more then us and supports are existence.

Animals on the other hand, do not need to teach eachother to do basic things like hunt for food or feed there children. Where as, there are humans that dont know how to look after there children, and have to be taught how to bring up “moral” minded children, since are survival and happyness isnt based on nature, its based on a idea called “morality”.

If You lived in a universe where material things had no set paramaters and no laws to guide it to its means of production, then nobody could reasonably say that the world has a creator, because nothing would be dependent on anything else for existence.

To me the only reason that material things, energys or forces have laws or patterns to how they work and interact, is to promote the universes creation, to bring things in to being, to shape things, not by them selves, but by a given law to do so.( This promotes a Purpose, a means to an end.( its just speculation, but it is not unreasonable). These material things and Objects, in my Opinion, promote a creator.

We cannot reasonably say that the world is not created and that the laws that promote the “act” of existing things, are not the work of something prior to the existence of the known physical universe. “Existence” has always been here, but not the universe.

Does not the law of something promote a law giver?

We know something has a law of being, because of its continous “act” of doing somthing, there is a pattern. But if materials had no purpose or design, then they would act in anyway at any rate of production in a unpredictable manner.

Unpredictable, in the sense of, a tree naturally failing to maintain for a feesable amount of time, its status as a tree and suddenly turning in to somthing else, and then transforming in to an animal, and then two seconds later ruducing in to something totally unreasonable, to the fact that it is a tree. A child might explode in to a new universe, or you might a see pink elephant moving in and out of existence. One moment the world would be in colour, the next, it would be black and white, then it would cease to exist, and then it would carry on where it left off. :bigyikes: :rotfl: :bigyikes:

This kind of universe cannot be said to have a intelligent creator. Becuase he would be impossible to identify(even if there is one).

No life, or any humans life would live that could speculate its irationality, because we would also be irational and would not care.

In a universe with out rules and “set laws”, no material is any different by definition to anything else. In fact a univerese like this could not exist at all, unless a creator decided it to be, But no being with a mind “designed” to interpret a rational universe, would make sense of it. 😃 “Definition and contrast”
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