Sorry if this sounds harsh following all these very sincere prayers, directions to anti-porn sites, me-too stories and struggles, BUT what is the dilema here? I would drop this guy faster than you can say “Playboy.” You are not married and have no obligation to “work it out” or see him through this together. The purpose of dating is to discover and the attutides and values of those to whom we feel an emotional attraction. In picking a life mate, do you really want to start off in counseling?!?! Where is your common ground in terms of values, trust, intimacy? Would you EVER trust this man to be an example for children? Remember he’s already developed a pattern of lying to cover his activities.
You may feel emotion for him, but can you call it mutual love when there is such a breach of trust between you? Marriage is hard enough without starting out pushing a boulder up hill. I am no prude who freaks out at the thought that a man has seen porn in any number of settings in this culture and I applaud everyone who faces their demons and overcomes them. But… I would NEVER commit to sharing my life, spiritual well-being or future children’s welfare to a man who is still powerless in the face of a pathological additiction. It’s a set up for failure and heart ache, plain and simple.