This reply is to Jodi. You have grossley misquoted the recitivism rate of sex offenders. The media wants everyone to believe those numbers but if you research the numbers there is no one number. Each offense type and history of a person makes the recitivism rate very different. Here is a website addy that is run by the U.S. Department of Justice that gives completely different information if you read the entire article. csom.org/pubs/recidsexof.html Website after website on recitivism rates in this country (reputable sites by governmental agencies and the like) all have figures between 2% and 52% once again depending on who, what, when, where and how. I am not trying to start an argument nor am I sticking up for sick people who need help and prayers but I think people need to read well researched truth.
** StJohnApostle**
May the Love and Beauty of Christ Consume Us All.