Sure:Which major schools consider it an offense even to kill civilians accidentally in the course of a military strike? Give me the names of the major schools and give me proof that they consider it an offense even to kill civilians accidentally in the course of a military strike.
Maliki, Hanbali, and Hanafi…Shafi’i is more flexible on the issue of collateral damage.
There is no khilâf that non-combatants or civilians cannot at all be considered collateral damage at a non-military target in a war zone, and that their deaths are not excusable by our Law, and that the one who ends up killing one of them will be sinful as in the case of murder, even though the soldier who is found guilty of it would be excused from the ordinary capital punishment [hadd], unless the killing was found to be premeditated and deliberate:
[aw ata bi-ma’siyyatin tujibu l-hadda].
If not, the murderer’s punishment in this case would instead be subject to the authority’s discretion [ta’zîr] and he would in any case be liable to pay the relevant compensation [diya].
As for a valid military target in a war zone, the Shâfi’î School have historically considered the possibility of collateral damage, unlike the position held by others that it is unqualifiedly outlawed. The following are the conditions stipulated for allowing this controversial exception (in addition to meeting the most important condition of them all: that this takes place during a valid war when there is no ceasefire
(1) The target is a valid military target.
livingislam.org/maa/dcmm_e.html(2) The attack is as a last resort [min darura] (such as when the civilians have been warned to leave the place and after a period of siege has elapsed).