So by “got better,” what do you mean, exactly? Do you mean merely that there is no standard for good or better but only that to YOU [whatever YOU happen to be] some chemical response in your brain causes you to think in positive terms about it? Not that there is anything objectively morally better about slavery not being permitted, but that you just happen to have a positive response to the change? That is all you mean by “better?”To me it got better. You talk to a slave owner after the Civil War, you would probably get a different answer.
How do we adjudicate between your feelings about slavery and the slave owner’s feelings if there is no objective standard by which to assess which is actually “better,” slavery or no slavery?
Surely it cannot be merely that someone has positive or negative feelings about the thing? On what grounds do we decide whether those feelings tell us anything objectively true about the world? Merely the existence of positive feelings or thoughts?
The slave owner has positive feelings one way and you have the other way. No way to adjudicate? None?
What does “To me it got better” actually imply?
What do others who are not YOU to make of that statement? Anything more than niceatheist has nice feelings? It only tells us about you, then? Something like: niceatheist has an itch about slavery?