Insight into Syria

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On his blog site Syria Comment, University of Oklahoma assistant professor of Middle Eastern Studies Joshua M. Landis offers invaluable insight into what is going on in that secretive country. We have no clue what Prof. Landis’ politics are (though we can guess…sigh), but there is no doubt he is an expert on Syria and he apparently has good contacts there. He is married to a Syrian woman whose family includes former high-ranking military officials. Here, for example, is some of his reporting concerning Syria’s recent decision to intervene directly in Lebanese politics by extending the term of its president in defiance of its constitution:

“The decision to extend President Emile Lahoud’s term was taken by the Asad family itself.”

So said a smart diplomat when we met yesterday to discuss the crisis. “We know that,” he said." Vice President Khaddam and Interior Minister Canaan, Syria’s most knowledgeable Lebanon hands who long handled the Lebanon portfolio, recommended against extending Lahoud’s term and manipulating the Lebanese constitution as if it were the Syrian constitution. “They were over-ruled by the Asad family itself,” the diplomat said. The decision turned out “to be a fateful one, for it set Syria on its recent collision course with Lebanon.”

Why the young Asad brother and cousins decided they could do without the advice of “the Old Guard” is where conjecture and speculation begin. One Syrian general, reflecting on the mess Syria finds itself in since the Hariri murder, wondered how his government could have gotten so out of touch with the political pulse in Lebanon to make such ill-fated decisions. In the end, he said:

“We made many, many mistakes in Lebanon. Do you know how much a Lebanese car cost in Syria during the war? 2,500 Syrian pounds at the border. Imagine, 2,500 SYRIAN pounds! (The equivalent of 400 dollars.) And that was a Mercedes. Every officer stole what he wanted. That’s what happens in war. Syria was filled with Lebanese cars. And for every one of those cars, there is a Lebanese family who hates Syria.”

We had not heard this before and find it extremely interesting. It provides even more evidence that Syria considers Lebanon all but annexed and a personal fiefdom of the ruling family. Here’s a multi-lateral issue the U.S. and France can agree on: Syria out of Lebanon.

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