Dr. Peter Kreeft has written some interesting comments in his article " The Challenge of Ontological Disproofs ( for the existence of God ) " for Strange Notions. strangenotions.com/ I have noticed this same trend at Catholic Answers more and more. The idea seems to be for the non-believer to construct a syllogistic argument which seems to prove that God cannot exist. But these always contain at least one error. But often times the error is not noticed and we water down something about God or his nature in an attempt to get the opponent to agree to a " lesser " God or a God who isn’t so perfect. The reason we do this is multiple, ranging from " we really don’t know what our faith and philosophy teaches about God " to just sloppy reasoning.
One thing that will never happen, the non-believer will absolutley never agree you are right. At least that has been my experience. And they will carry the debate on forever until everyone just gets tired of it and drops off.
The reason I bring this up is because this is happening right now on at perhaps 7-8 threads on this forum right at this moment. Think about it.
Pax Christi
One thing that will never happen, the non-believer will absolutley never agree you are right. At least that has been my experience. And they will carry the debate on forever until everyone just gets tired of it and drops off.
The reason I bring this up is because this is happening right now on at perhaps 7-8 threads on this forum right at this moment. Think about it.
Pax Christi