I don’t accept the analogy. Planets and such are solely material objects. There is nothing I’ve ever seen that intelligence, or any other facet of our mind or soul has a purely physical explanation. In fact, as I understand it, outside of people like Daniel Dennett, you’d be hard pressed to find any philosopher or scientist who took such a view.The problem with this line of reasoning is how far the soul gets “pushed back” into irrelevance. It’d be like saying “well I don’t see how modern physics disproves the existence of the angels that move the stars and planets around. Clearly the planets move, so the angels must be pushing them.” Now this is strictly speaking true; we could argue that the angels just happen to always push the planets in accordance with the laws of physics. The problem is that this is proving in the wrong direction. If we have some physical account of planetary motion that explains all the motion of the planets, we have no reason to tack on “oh and also there are angels” at the end. There would need to be something better about the “angels” account for us to prefer it, since it requires a whole additional class of beings to exist.
So it is with the intellect. We have a great many physical puzzle pieces each suggesting that the intellect has the same kind of physical explanation as the motion of the planets. But unlike the planets, we haven’t put all the pieces together yet, and there are still a few missing. So the physical account is inadequate and we should prefer the soul account of intellect, right? Of course not, the soul account has a bunch of missing and jumbled pieces too, AND it needs to be compatible with whatever physical reality we discover as we study the brain.
The danger, of course, is that the physical reality we discover can, like the planets, completely explain the intellect, and the soul account will have no actual job left.
Whether there is something called the soul, in the traditional Catholic sense, is another argument. But that I, and using common sense, others are conscious beings exercising various conscious abilities including intelligence is obvious. Both my body and consciousness interact.