Intelligence as divine property

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Are you saying He gave you the thought or that it came out of your own creativity? I suppose it could also be both. Like a master sculpture and apprentice working together.
MDH put a statement in the air and my little brain took it in and fashioned an hypothesis or two around it and fired it back, from whence it came–I know not where. It just amazes me and maybe it is akin to something else I don’t KNOW–the Divine…

the ability to think–is so amazing when you think about it…
Of course God is above his creation. But what I am really asking is do we see glimpses of God in his creation? I can’t see angels. Nor can I see God. So any knowledge I have comes through either revelation or philosophy/theology. However, I can see other people. Can we actually see the image of God in others as our revelation teaches that we should? Yes, our intelligence is not on the same level as God. However it may be analogous to God’s intelligence. Many things we know about God through analogy. Like God being a Father. He is less like a human father than he is like one. But he is more like a father than he is a mother or a brother. Thus we use analogy to know about God. God’s intelligence may be less like ours than it is like ours. But it is more like ours than it is like a goldfish. And while the angels may have a superior intelligence we can not see them.

Plus it is good to see the image of the divine in us. There is something good about us after all.
Yes, we see glimpses of God in his creation for every effect is like its cause in some manner or other though there is an infinite difference between God and his creatures. Human beings and angels resemble God more than any of his other creatures because of their spiritual powers and faculties of intellect and will. Accordingly, the Scripture says “Let us make man after our own image and likeness” which principally refers to our spiritual immortal souls which possess the spiritual powers of intellect and will. God himself is a spirit with intellect (knowledge) and will.

The Psalmist sings “The heavens declare the glory of God;
the firmament proclaims the works of his hands” (Psalm 19:1).

And St Paul says “For what can be known about God is evident to them, because God made it evident to them.
Ever since the creation of the world, his invisible attributes of eternal power and divinity have been able to be understood and perceived in what he has made” (Romans 1: 19-20).

As God is the creator of the universe, he is also the author and source of all true knowledge. Human beings do not create knowledge of the world but discover it in the things which God has made. From a true knowledge of God’s works, we can rise to a knowledge of their maker and cause which is God.

God created us with an intellect and will so that we might know and love Him who is Wisdom and Love itself.
Yes, we see glimpses of God in his creation for every effect is like its cause in some manner or other though there is an infinite difference between God and his creatures. Human beings and angels resemble God more than any of his other creatures because of their spiritual powers and faculties of intellect and will. Accordingly, the Scripture says “Let us make man after our own image and likeness” which principally refers to our spiritual immortal souls which possess the spiritual powers of intellect and will. God himself is a spirit with intellect (knowledge) and will.

The Psalmist sings “The heavens declare the glory of God;
the firmament proclaims the works of his hands” (Psalm 19:1).

And St Paul says “For what can be known about God is evident to them, because God made it evident to them.
Ever since the creation of the world, his invisible attributes of eternal power and divinity have been able to be understood and perceived in what he has made” (Romans 1: 19-20).

As God is the creator of the universe, he is also the author and source of all true knowledge. Human beings do not create knowledge of the world but discover it in the things which God has made. From a true knowledge of God’s works, we can rise to a knowledge of their maker and cause which is God.

God created us with an intellect and will so that we might know and love Him who is Wisdom and Love itself.
A good detective can see clues and put them together into a cohesive deduction of the facts. I wonder though, that due to our human limitations in reasoning, as well as our blind spots, that we can be unlike the good detective when it comes to determining God’s existence. Which, would mean that we can not rely solely on our reason but also need faith. Due to the limitations of our reasoning we need faith to take us farther than what we could attain by reason alone. Sin, of course plays a role in creating those blind spots, those veils of darkness that keep us from seeing the light of truth. And, block us from seeing all the clues that God is with us after all.
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