One could say that that was just the way the world worked out.
One could say that, but one wouldn’t know that for certain.
Clearly the outcome could not have been chance because the mere chance is impossibly small.
At the same time, there is no way of knowing whether the outcome was completely determined, completely designed or some combination of design, causality and conscious/super-conscious intention.
We also have no way of knowing whether things could have been different and the extent to which they could have been.
It wasn’t preordained by anyone. Nobody designed the universe from the moment of creation just so you coukd sit there reading this.
Except we, as humans, have no way of knowing whether things were not preordained and the extent to which they were. Your claim is pure assertion. Since you cannot rise above the physical or observable order, you have no way of knowing the metaphysical reality behind it.
Before you can calculate the odds of something happening, you need to have a specific event sometime in the future in order to be able to do so. It’s a waste of time calculating what the odds must have been for an event that has already occurred. It’s like dealing a perfect hand in poker. You can calculate the odds for a full house but they are exactly the same odds as for any other 5 cards.
This may or may not be true of specific or unique events within the causal order. However, even if we grant you that, cosmologists do have a pretty good grasp of the cosmological constants and their specific values, which could have been set pretty much along an infinite range and yet they weren’t. Given that there are twenty or thirty constants which were finely tuned to each other for no reason, there is a compelling argument to be made that the fine tuning of the array of constants to the specific values that permit carbon based life forms to develop is virtually impossible o properly explain without intention and design.
We are only amazed at the full house because we consider it to be somehow special. We are not amazed at you reading this because it is not.
Well, no I continue to be amazed at conscious and individuated personal identity which, I would argue, is a requirement for the ability to read because reading presumes a mind with intentionality.
Reading is a complex mental activity which isn’t well understood in terms of how humans can form images from written symbols and connect those to meaningful concepts.
Extrapolate from that and you’ll understand my point.
Actually, I would need to simplify your point to the point of ignoring and explaining away the vast number of not properly understood gaps in our knowledge to accept that your point can be understood.