Let’s not call me names. Thanks.
I don’t object to evolution being taught as a science unfortunately it is not being taught as a science. It is being taught as a psuedo philosophy. I would rather not have it taught if it cannot be taught correctly. We do not teach everything in high school. Judgements are made. This is not college we are talking about but impressionable minds.
Man was made clearly distinct from animals but we need the eyes to see it. Redemptive suffering is the great example of this. God does not force us to see Him in His image. We can willfully choose to view ourselves as degraded as to what we really are. Seeing us as merely evolutionized apes removes from men and women their inherent dignity and their calling to be followers of Christ.
So I do not believe evolution should be taught if it cannot be divorced from the contingent philosophy that man is nothing but a product of evolution.
This makes me no more of a book burner than if I objected to pornography being taught to high schoolers. These evolutionary based philosophies are a poison. The evidence is overwhelming: Naziism and abortion both have their ties to the idea of Man as an extrinsic worth based on his survivability. This is not evolution, but unless evolution is taught properly, proponents of such materialistic ideas use evolution as a prooftext for such beliefs.
I appreciate your desire for truth but I would like an equal desire for discernment promulgated in classrooms. One without the other leads down the wide path.
I don’t object to evolution being taught as a science unfortunately it is not being taught as a science. It is being taught as a psuedo philosophy. I would rather not have it taught if it cannot be taught correctly. We do not teach everything in high school. Judgements are made. This is not college we are talking about but impressionable minds.
Man was made clearly distinct from animals but we need the eyes to see it. Redemptive suffering is the great example of this. God does not force us to see Him in His image. We can willfully choose to view ourselves as degraded as to what we really are. Seeing us as merely evolutionized apes removes from men and women their inherent dignity and their calling to be followers of Christ.
So I do not believe evolution should be taught if it cannot be divorced from the contingent philosophy that man is nothing but a product of evolution.
This makes me no more of a book burner than if I objected to pornography being taught to high schoolers. These evolutionary based philosophies are a poison. The evidence is overwhelming: Naziism and abortion both have their ties to the idea of Man as an extrinsic worth based on his survivability. This is not evolution, but unless evolution is taught properly, proponents of such materialistic ideas use evolution as a prooftext for such beliefs.
I appreciate your desire for truth but I would like an equal desire for discernment promulgated in classrooms. One without the other leads down the wide path.