Interested in learning, just saying hello

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I’ve never claimed it was sacred scripture, or anything like that, it’s not, it’s clearly man made.

However it has no pretense of being “sacred”, and it’s not evangelical, there is no call to “spread the good news” or to convert or “save” others, because everyone simply dies someday, regardless of if they are satanists or not.

You simply agree and find some value in it, or you don’t, both are perfectly okay. It’s your life, Satanism is simply one way of living life.

I simply happen to agree with it, and it simply works for me.
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However it has no pretense of being “sacred”
Sacred doesn’t mean a call to evangelise. Sacred Scripture is Scripture that comes from God, revealed to us for our salvation. The Bible is not one human’s framework for his manmade religion.

You said you are interested in learning. Take it on board.
We are eternal, we are living our eternal lives right now. Yes we will die, and then continue with our eternal lives.

There is basically a huge war going on between good and evil, Satan and the people of God. The religion of satanism is just one foray onto the battlefield by satan. He is the prince of lies. His biggest lie is to convince people he does not exist. And that is demonstrated clearly in the form of a group who follow satanism and declare satan doesn’t exist.

But the Good News is that Jesus defeated satan once and for all, on the Cross. Thats the Good News.
I understand that’s what you believe. I get it.

I just don’t agree. I don’t think there’s any such war going on or anything like that.

I just want you to understand that I, or any other Satanists, do not believe in worship a “satan” at all.

I understand what you said, I just need you to understand what I said.
I have a question. If it is indeed the worship of self. What is the authority of the morality of rape or child sexual abuse? Is that ok or not ok and why?
It’s not okay, because it is harming an innocent person.

There is a thing in Satanism called the “social contract” and that would for sure violate it.
Why is harming an innocent wrong? If indeed we are animals and that is what animals can do, why would we be held to a different standard and by what authority? Human morality cannot be “just a made up contract” that is no more binding than a supernatural one that you would not accept. Why is harming an innocent wrong, why is it unacceptable?
I’m not sure you’re using “worship” in quite the same way we are? I think to most Christians, worshiping something or someone implies that they’re higher or better - so to worship yourself would be to imply that you think that you’re better or more important than other people. The sense I always got from satanism was that it’s trying in many ways to be very egalitarian and avoid a system where I get to tell you what to do or you get to tell me what to do (outside of course of necessities for a functional society).
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