Interested In The Orthodox Church

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If you were trying to convince me of becoming a member of the Orthodox Church, what books what you recommend I read?

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Here is a good book as to why you should join the Orthodox Church.
You knew what question I was asking and that it was directed towards Christians of the Orthodox tradition in the east, please stop the messing and behave yourself.

This is a Catholic forum where most members are Catholic. They are more likely, as you can see from the first reply, to try to convert you to Catholicism, not Orthodoxy. However, for Orthodox books by Orthodox authors, I would advise you to look into the writings of Kallistos Ware.

Perhaps a visit to an Orthodox forum would yield more results?
I thought this is the non Catholic religion section where people not of our faith gather? For this reason I directed my thread towards those of the Eastern Orthodox religion. I understand people jumping in will be Catholic, but a bit of respect for the original post and who the question was directed at would be nice.
My original thread is made in the “Non Catholic” religion section. It’s obvious I’m talking to Eastern Orthodox. If I were talking about Catholic Orthodox Christianity, I would have posted in the apologetic section of this forum. The only rude one here who can’t keep his fingers to himself and away from the keyboard is you CarmeliteKnight. I appreciate your desire to do that big American thing and go out and “convert” the world, but this thread wasn’t looking for that from you today, and you knew it too.
I understand, but in general we do not have many non-Catholics on here, even on the non-Catholic sub-forum.

For your benefit, I am going to take the liberty of tagging two Orthodox I know who are members here and who can better answer your question.

@Isaac14 @ziapueblo.
I never knew that. I just saw “Non Catholic religions” and assumed this is where all the other faith based people interested in Catholicism hang out.
Greetings @Stephentlig,
If you were trying to convince me of becoming a member of the Orthodox Church, what books what you recommend I read?
I’m not sure it is anyone’s job to convince someone to join one Church or another but sharing resources could be done. For starters I would recommend Kallistos Ware’s The Orthodox Church: An Introduction to Eastern Christianity and The Orthodox Way. Both great books, very well written, just like the book @CarmeliteKnight recommended. All three books, in my opinion, are not meant to convince but rather inform.

Are you looking to be convinced? I would also say, if you are interested in being convinced, maybe try an Orthodox forum.

I can think of a couple, PM me, but, this is still a good forum for discussion. Many knowledgeable Catholics, EC and EO. Just remember that it is a Catholic forum.

For starters I would recommend Kallistos Ware’s The Orthodox Church: An Introduction to Eastern Christianity and The Orthodox Way .
@stephentlig I agree with Zia’s recommendations for books to read.
Given the policies of this forum, it is probably not the right place for this question.

The forums are better equipped to answer questions like this, and to keep the discussion under civil control (note how quickly this spun out!). Note that despite the name, it is an Eastern Christianity forum with both Orthodox and Catholic, and enforces civility. There are, at least at the moment, posts above that would have drawn at least a suspension over there . . .
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I’d send you to visit a Divine Liturgy before asking you to read anything, but that’s me. It wasn’t reading a book, but an experience of God that convinced me to convert.

ETA: Also acknowledging that I’ve had a similar experience (years later) when walking into a Catholic Adoration chapel.
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Coming on to a Catholic forum and asking for material which would convert you to a non-Catholic religion was a pretty insulting action. This was 100% not the place for your question and I can only assume you wanted to ruffle some feathers here on the forum. @CarmeliteKnight may have been rude but the reasoning behind his actions is sound.
I would not advise you to read ANYTHING regarding the works/thoughts of Vassula Ryden - she is not approved by either the Catholic or Orthodox Churches
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