Interested In The Orthodox Church

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If you were trying to convince me of becoming a member of the Orthodox Church, what books what you recommend I read?

Why would you consider joining a schismatic part of the Catholic Church?
I would not recommend any books that would move you away from the Catholic Church.
Kallistos Ware is very good, as ZP pointed out. I have yet to read his entire book, as I have only seen citations, but from my experience (and apparently experience of many others) he is very educated man.

Also, my two cents are that you should also read Catholic side… not saying you did or did not, but I used to be on verge of converting to Orthodoxy and disregarding Papacy. I did study a bit more and I got convinced, but that might not be your experience. It is simply my advice to look into both sides of argument before picking one.

And then again, if you are interested in practices of Orthodox Church, Eastern Catholics are basically former Orthodox Christians who accepted Catholic Church and kept their traditions intact… mostly. Just pointing this out in case you did not know. Eastern Catholics are in full communion with Catholic Church and the Pope, and every Catholic can go and attend their service and receive Eucharist there.
Timothy Ware (also known by his religious name Kallistos) is a good recommendation.

However, I would also recommend this:

It’s a more recent book by an Anglican scholar and is written from a more objective perspective than Ware’s books. Ware is sometimes rather strident in his defense of Orthodoxy and rather critical of western Christianity. Binns is more reader-friendly for the beginner and writes more as a friendly observer, whereas Ware has something of the zeal of the convert.
Yeah this is nuts.

It’s like me knocking on someone’s door and asking them to convince you that their own neighborhood sucks lol
I would not advise you to read ANYTHING regarding the works/thoughts of Vassula Ryden
Yeah, that’s definitely gonna be a recommendation from me too. Based on what I’ve heard anyway.
Anyway, @Stephentlig, I’m praying you’ll find your way home to Rome eventually. ❤️
I wonder if I went to an Orthodox forum and asked about good books to convince me of becoming Catholic, what the reaction would be 😉
If you were trying to convince me of becoming a member of the Orthodox Church, what books what you recommend I read?
For a quick fix, If you go to YouTube and type in Introduction to the Eastern Orthodox Church you can find several good series detailing their beliefs and practices.

In the same light, if you are not familiar with Eastern Catholicism I would suggest you do the same for it. They largely worship the same as the Eastern Orthodox and approach the theology from much the same perspective. You might want to consider that before making the big leap. If you are presently Catholic, that should be seen as your most viable option as opposed to entirely leaving the Catholic faith.
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