I am a concerned catechist – well – former catechist. With much prayer and consternation, I recently made the difficult decision to remove myself from the Confirmation Catechist Team. Upon receiving the “syllabus” for the 2005-06 program, I was horrified to see that our 14-15 year old students were being required to participate in an Adult Education program. Four weeks of the religious education program was set aside for participation in an Interfaith Dialogue Program sponsored by the Interfaith Mission Service (IMS).
The chief concern amongst catechists from last year was the limited amount of time to teach our Catholic Faith to the kids. There is so much material to cover and simply not enough time so you can understand my disbelief when I saw that we were removing or condensing FOUR WEEKS of material to expose our youngsters to this program. I e-mailed the IMS requesting the handouts to further understand the content of the program and received no reply. The outline on their website (interfaithmissionservice.org/interfaithdialogue.htmll) frightens me as a parent! If ecumenism is the goal, why are we spending FOUR WEEKS of Catholic Religious Education classes on NON-CHRISTIAN faiths? Hinduism, Buddhism, Bahai’, Jewish, Muslim, Abrahamic! My goodness, reading just a little about the Bahai’ faith and I liken it to Scientology. It certainly isn’t an approach to ecumenism that follows The Second Vatican Council’s Decree on Ecumenism, Unitatis Redintegratio. I am thankful my children have already received the Sacrament of Confirmation.
I brought my concerns to our Religious Education Director during a Confirmation Team meeting hoping to understand. The answers I received with regard to the intent, content and facilitation of the program were not satisfactory.
Based on the information I received at that meeting and the little information I could glean from the website, there is NO CATHOLIC representation in this program and no Catholic facilitator. This program may be fine for adults that are well formed in our Catholic faith, but to require 14 year olds that don’t even really know why they’re Catholic to participate in this is absurd! There is so much great CATHOLIC material available geared for youth – I can only surmise that this is tolerance training of our young people.
I am so proud to be Catholic, knowing that our Church has the fullness of Truth – I am saddened that a program of this type is being used, let alone during a sacramental year for our youth. Presenting material of this type will not strengthen their faith; it will make them say “why be Catholic?”
Please help me understand! I pray my Parish will re-think the use of this program for our Confirmation Candidates.
The chief concern amongst catechists from last year was the limited amount of time to teach our Catholic Faith to the kids. There is so much material to cover and simply not enough time so you can understand my disbelief when I saw that we were removing or condensing FOUR WEEKS of material to expose our youngsters to this program. I e-mailed the IMS requesting the handouts to further understand the content of the program and received no reply. The outline on their website (interfaithmissionservice.org/interfaithdialogue.htmll) frightens me as a parent! If ecumenism is the goal, why are we spending FOUR WEEKS of Catholic Religious Education classes on NON-CHRISTIAN faiths? Hinduism, Buddhism, Bahai’, Jewish, Muslim, Abrahamic! My goodness, reading just a little about the Bahai’ faith and I liken it to Scientology. It certainly isn’t an approach to ecumenism that follows The Second Vatican Council’s Decree on Ecumenism, Unitatis Redintegratio. I am thankful my children have already received the Sacrament of Confirmation.
I brought my concerns to our Religious Education Director during a Confirmation Team meeting hoping to understand. The answers I received with regard to the intent, content and facilitation of the program were not satisfactory.
Based on the information I received at that meeting and the little information I could glean from the website, there is NO CATHOLIC representation in this program and no Catholic facilitator. This program may be fine for adults that are well formed in our Catholic faith, but to require 14 year olds that don’t even really know why they’re Catholic to participate in this is absurd! There is so much great CATHOLIC material available geared for youth – I can only surmise that this is tolerance training of our young people.
I am so proud to be Catholic, knowing that our Church has the fullness of Truth – I am saddened that a program of this type is being used, let alone during a sacramental year for our youth. Presenting material of this type will not strengthen their faith; it will make them say “why be Catholic?”
Please help me understand! I pray my Parish will re-think the use of this program for our Confirmation Candidates.