But all religions direct to the Only One. Just that they have different names to it…
Catholicism teaches similar values to some other religions, such as being faithful, honest, merciful. The difference is that Catholics follow Jesus, who purchased salvation for us by his death and resurrection. Other religions have no such person to follow. You really cannot combine Catholicism with another religion; it would only confuse children.… They almost teach the same values…
No.Say suppose, a Hindu man and a woman of Catholic belief get married and they decide to raise their children in interfaith of both religion. But though the children’s records will mention them as Hindus, they would taught and exposed to both the religions equally. So my question is: is it possible for them to still receive the sacraments such as Baptism, Holy communion and confirmation through their mother’s obligation?
Eh no…only the Catholic faith is true and only the Catholic faith is a sure path to heaven.But all religions direct to the Only One. Just that they have different names to it…