Interpret Revelation Chapter 10 (Walt)

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Do’s any one know how to interpet Re.10
Here the text and the footnotes from the NAB on this chapter:

Then I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven wrapped in a cloud, with a halo around his head; his face was like the sun and his feet were like pillars of fire.
In his hand he held a small scroll that had been opened. He placed his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land,
and then he cried out in a loud voice as a lion roars. When he cried out, the seven thunders raised their voices, too.
When the seven thunders had spoken, I was about to write it down; but I heard a voice from heaven say, “Seal up what the seven thunders have spoken, but do not write it down.”
Then the angel I saw standing on the sea and on the land raised his right hand to heaven
and swore by the one who lives forever and ever, who created heaven and earth and sea and all that is in them, “There shall be no more delay.
At the time when you hear the seventh angel blow his trumpet, the mysterious plan of God shall be fulfilled, as he promised to his servants the prophets.”
Then the voice that I had heard from heaven spoke to me again and said, “Go, take the scroll that lies open in the hand of the angel who is standing on the sea and on the land.”
So I went up to the angel and told him to give me the small scroll. He said to me, “Take and swallow it. It will turn your stomach sour, but in your mouth it will taste as sweet as honey.”
I took the small scroll from the angel’s hand and swallowed it. In my mouth it was like sweet honey, but when I had eaten it, my stomach turned sour.
Then someone said to me, “You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, tongues, and kings.”


[10:1-11:14] An interlude in two scenes (Rev 10:1-11 and Rev 11:1-14) precedes the sounding of the seventh trumpet; cf Rev 7:1-17. The first vision describes an angel astride sea and land like a colossus, with a small scroll open, the contents of which indicate that the end is imminent (Rev 10). The second vision is of the measuring of the temple and of two witnesses, whose martyrdom means that the kingdom of God is about to be inaugurated.

[1] The seven thunders: God’s voice announcing judgment and doom; cf Psalm 29:3-9, where thunder, as the voice of Yahweh, is praised seven times.

[2] He placed . . . on the land: this symbolizes the universality of the angel’s message, as does the figure of the small scroll open to be read.

[6] Heaven and earth and sea: the three parts of the universe. No more delay: cf Daniel 12:7; Hebrews 2:3.

[7] The mysterious plan of God: literally, “the mystery of God,” the end of the present age when the forces of evil will be put down (Rev 17:1-19:4, 11-21; 20:7-10; cf 2 Thes 2:6-12; Romans 16:25-26), and the establishment of the reign of God when all creation will be made new (Rev 21:1-22:5).

9-10] The small scroll was sweet because it predicted the final victory of God’s people; it was sour because it also announced their sufferings. Cf Ezekiel 3:1-3.

[11] This further prophecy is contained in chs 12-22.
Also, here is the Haydock Commentary from the DRV:

Ver. 1. I saw another mighty Angel. Some expound it of Christ himself: others of an Angel, representing the power of God over the sea and land. (Witham)

Ver. 3. *Seven thunders uttered their voice, * to signify the following approaching evils, which St. John is ordered not to write down, though they were shewn to him; and if he was not to write them, even in such a mystical and prophetical manner as he wrote other things, who can pretend to know any thing of them? (Witham)

Ver. 4. And when the seven thunders had, &c. St. John is not permitted to write, but ordered to seal up the things which the seven thunders had spoken; which circumstance seems to insinuate, that the things spoken by the seven thunders were seven particulars of antichrist’s persecution, as the word thunder is generally used in the Apocalypse to denote some disaster; and these seven particulars being most dreadful and severe, the Almighty chose to have them sealed up, or kept concealed, lest the foreknowledge of them should too much terrify and damp the human mind.

Ver. 5-6. The angel…swore…that time shall be no longer. This seems to favour very much the exposition of those interpreters who think that all these things are not to be fulfilled till some short time before the end of the world. Others (of which see Alcazar, &c.) take this to be a prediction of the ruin and destruction of the Jews, particularly under the emperor Adrian. Others (see the bishop of Meaux) understands by this, that the time was approaching when God, by his judgments, would put an end to the idolatry and heathen worship of pagan Rome, and that his providence would make the Christian faith triumph over all its adversaries, and his Church flourish, as foretold by the ancient prophets; that is, this should come to pass when the seventh Angel should sound his trumpet. (Witham)

Ver. 7. Declared. Literally, evangelized, to signify the good tidings, agreeable to the gospel, of the final victory of Christ, and of that eternal life which should be the reward of the temporal sufferings of the servants of God. (Challoner)

Ver. 9-10. Take the book, and devour it. See Ezechiel ii. and iii. It was sweet in my mouth; I was delighted to read and hear the victories and glory of God’s faithful servants; but it became bitter in my belly, when I considered the judgments of God upon so many sinners, who by their own wilful blindness were lost for eternity. (Witham) — This mysterious book, presented to St. John precisely between the sound of the sixth and seventh trumpet, or rather between the irruption announced at the sound of the sixth trumpet, and the persecution which is then to follow and to precede the sound of the seventh trumpet, appears to represent the book of the gospel, which shall be given to the Jews at the end of the sixth age of the Church. This book will be then to them full of sweetness, because they will see in it the tender love of Jesus Christ; but at the same time it will cause bitterness, because they will see in it with grief their infidelity and that of their fathers. (Bible de Vence)

Ver. 11. Thou must prophesy again: we may understand what still follows in this Apocalypse, or his gospel written afterwards, or his preaching and instructing the Asiatic Churches. (Witham)
Also, here is the Haydock Commentary from the DRV:

Ver. 1. I saw another mighty Angel. Some expound it of Christ himself: others of an Angel, representing the power of God over the sea and land. (Witham)

Ver. 3. *Seven thunders uttered their voice, * to signify the following approaching evils, which St. John is ordered not to write down, though they were shewn to him; and if he was not to write them, even in such a mystical and prophetical manner as he wrote other things, who can pretend to know any thing of them? (Witham)

Ver. 4. And when the seven thunders had, &c. St. John is not permitted to write, but ordered to seal up the things which the seven thunders had spoken; which circumstance seems to insinuate, that the things spoken by the seven thunders were seven particulars of antichrist’s persecution, as the word thunder is generally used in the Apocalypse to denote some disaster; and these seven particulars being most dreadful and severe, the Almighty chose to have them sealed up, or kept concealed, lest the foreknowledge of them should too much terrify and damp the human mind.

Ver. 5-6. The angel…swore…that time shall be no longer. This seems to favour very much the exposition of those interpreters who think that all these things are not to be fulfilled till some short time before the end of the world. Others (of which see Alcazar, &c.) take this to be a prediction of the ruin and destruction of the Jews, particularly under the emperor Adrian. Others (see the bishop of Meaux) understands by this, that the time was approaching when God, by his judgments, would put an end to the idolatry and heathen worship of pagan Rome, and that his providence would make the Christian faith triumph over all its adversaries, and his Church flourish, as foretold by the ancient prophets; that is, this should come to pass when the seventh Angel should sound his trumpet. (Witham)

Ver. 7. Declared. Literally, evangelized, to signify the good tidings, agreeable to the gospel, of the final victory of Christ, and of that eternal life which should be the reward of the temporal sufferings of the servants of God. (Challoner)

Ver. 9-10. Take the book, and devour it. See Ezechiel ii. and iii. It was sweet in my mouth; I was delighted to read and hear the victories and glory of God’s faithful servants; but it became bitter in my belly, when I considered the judgments of God upon so many sinners, who by their own wilful blindness were lost for eternity. (Witham) — This mysterious book, presented to St. John precisely between the sound of the sixth and seventh trumpet, or rather between the irruption announced at the sound of the sixth trumpet, and the persecution which is then to follow and to precede the sound of the seventh trumpet, appears to represent the book of the gospel, which shall be given to the Jews at the end of the sixth age of the Church. This book will be then to them full of sweetness, because they will see in it the tender love of Jesus Christ; but at the same time it will cause bitterness, because they will see in it with grief their infidelity and that of their fathers. (Bible de Vence)

Ver. 11. Thou must prophesy again: we may understand what still follows in this Apocalypse, or his gospel written afterwards, or his preaching and instructing the Asiatic Churches. (Witham)
Tell me what the seven thunders said ?
Keep it in Rev. only.WHAT WAS ON THE LITTLE SCROLL? 👍
Tell me what the seven thunders said ?
Keep it in Rev. only.WHAT WAS ON THE LITTLE SCROLL? 👍
What’s the purpose of this thread? Two posters have given you comments but you haven’t discussed what they have given you. You simply ask another question the answer to which you obviously know. Why is the topic of the thread Walt?
Is all this a joke?

The point is,
Most ask a question,and then they talk around it.
There are Seven storys hidden in side the Revelations of christ given to John.And you don’t have to go out side of Rev. to fact Revelations tells you not to.With a curse to boot,Rev.22/18. Again.
I’m asking doe’s any one Know of them.
I’m not trying to get anyone mad, OR to be SMART
,it is just a question?
Anyone can read out Re. 10 it’s there in black and white.but can anyone tell me what is on the littlle scroll?For example.
JIMMY SWAGGARD just to mention ONE, has a set of tapes on Revelations he has 12 tapes in whole.
5 tapes are on the firist 3 chapters ,and then he has 5 tapes on the last 2 chapters of Revelations.but he has only 2 tapes on the middle of revelations. Between the white horse’s.he only has 2 tapes ,on the middle chapters, from Re.6-17 to me any way, that means he only knows 2 tapes on 14 chapters. :confused:
To me , any way that means he knows zip on the middle ,the guts of the matter.
Sorry but I take my religion serious
I don’t have the answer right in front of me, but I bet you came here to tell us, right? :rolleyes:

The point is,
Most ask a question,and then they talk around it.
There are Seven storys hidden in side the Revelations of christ given to John.And you don’t have to go out side of Rev. to fact Revelations tells you not to.With a curse to boot,Rev.22/18. Again.
I’m asking doe’s any one Know of them.
I’m not trying to get anyone mad, OR to be SMART
,it is just a question?
Anyone can read out Re. 10 it’s there in black and white.but can anyone tell me what is on the littlle scroll?For example.
JIMMY SWAGGARD just to mention ONE, has a set of tapes on Revelations he has 12 tapes in whole.
5 tapes are on the firist 3 chapters ,and then he has 5 tapes on the last 2 chapters of Revelations.but he has only 2 tapes on the middle of revelations. Between the white horse’s.he only has 2 tapes ,on the middle chapters, from Re.6-17 to me any way, that means he only knows 2 tapes on 14 chapters. :confused:
To me , any way that means he knows zip on the middle ,the guts of the matter.
Sorry but I take my religion serious
Scott Hahn’s tape set has 13 tapes, but I don’t remember how they break out into the different chapters. Let me see if I can find anything in my notes.
The I don’t have the answer right in front of me, but I bet you came here to tell us, right? :rolleyes:
immature don’t you think.I thought this was a place where christians can exchange ideas.!Mature christians?
The I don’t have the answer right in front of me, but I bet you came here to tell us, right? :rolleyes:
immature don’t you think.I thought this was a place where christians can exchange ideas.!Mature christians?
Immature? Depends whether mine was a legitimate question or not. 🙂 So…How about it?
I said it wronge I shuuld have said (the bit)
whether mine was a legitimate 👍
I notice your profile for interests says “35 years in Revelations”. Is that the only book in the Bible you study, or if not, does it mean you feel it is more important than the Gospels?

And you don’t have to go out side of Rev. to fact Revelations tells you not to.With a curse to boot,Rev.22/18.
First, Rev 22:18 forbids adding to the book, it does not forbid outside resources to help us interpret it. The bible is the book of God that tells the story of God’s love for us. Most books are structured that the second chapter builds on the first chapter, the third chapter builds on the first and second chapters and so on. Later chapters refer to earlier chapters, so that to get a good understanding what the book is about you have to read, or at least have some familiarity with, the entire book. For example, in Revelation, John refers to the “Lamb” about 30 times but nowhere does Revelation actually say who or what the Lamb is. So you cannot interpret who or what the Lamb is, unless you look back to earlier books of the bible where it is defined. So whether it is a term in a verse or a complete verse or passage that is not explicitly explained in a particular book of the bible you are reading, you may have to look back to another book to find the answer.

Second, in the Gospels Christ himself, referred to, and quoted from, the Old Testament to help explain what he was saying, not just once or twice but hundreds of times. So by his example he shows us that the Old Testament is important in gaining understanding of the New Testament.
When I say that you can’t add ,or take away From this book it is because the book is in a code.Yes it is in a code.A string, or a ribbon ,of sorts of 72 elements .Look at the germatria for the number 72 or 27.or 27072.
The right Elements, everything has it’s place on this ribbon ,coming out of the mouth of GOD, it is a continuos ribbon .If you add a space or take an element out, or put an element in, you brake the code .Yes. you have to take the italics out,the parts ,that man inserted.The space’s,yes ,even the bible refernces.It has to be a continuious string of words out of the mouth of GOD…Then and only, then ,the work starts.
When you have the right elements,and in the same order,the ribbon wraps around and around it self to make a roll .Like a empty cardboard roll of paper, A cylinder.A scroll .
Now, do’s that sound fantastic, in the shape of a scroll , Not unlike the scroll that his visions ate ,And not unlike the scroll that John ate.When you have this scorll you have to cut it in the right place and every thing lines up seven times.Seven thunders .Sound like a mad man ,ask CHRIST .I did not make this I only found it.

And as for the firist question ,yes the bible is relevant ,I must have read it over and over ,and then over again.I Wore It out and wore out three more.
You have to know the old ,and the new ,to know the last.But you can not try to shape it ,it will shape it self.Your scoll has to agree with old and new testaments.Or your work is for not.
I’m not shure you will not want to speak to me again. [Mod Edit: deleted personal e-mail address]
If you find this deep, then you should see the seventy pages I have to prove what I just said .
It’s around 12 right now ,I have to cool down and relax,and get some sleep. Did I make your day?This Is a lot more complicated and I need the sleep.
When I say that you can’t add ,or take away From this book it is because the book is in a code.Yes it is in a code.A string, or a ribbon ,of sorts of 72 elements .Look at the germatria for the number 72 or 27.or 27072.
The right Elements, everything has it’s place on this ribbon ,coming out of the mouth of GOD, it is a continuos ribbon .If you add a space or take an element out, or put an element in, you brake the code .Yes. you have to take the italics out,the parts ,that man inserted.The space’s,yes ,even the bible refernces.It has to be a continuious string of words out of the mouth of GOD…Then and only, then ,the work starts.
When you have the right elements,and in the same order,the ribbon wraps around and around it self to make a roll .Like a empty cardboard roll of paper, A cylinder.A scroll .
Now, do’s that sound fantastic, in the shape of a scroll , Not unlike the scroll that his visions ate ,And not unlike the scroll that John ate.When you have this scorll you have to cut it in the right place and every thing lines up seven times.Seven thunders .Sound like a mad man ,ask CHRIST .I did not make this I only found it.

And as for the firist question ,yes the bible is relevant ,I must have read it over and over ,and then over again.I Wore It out and wore out three more.
You have to know the old ,and the new ,to know the last.But you can not try to shape it ,it will shape it self.Your scoll has to agree with old and new testaments.Or your work is for not.
I’m not shure you will not want to speak to me again, You have my web address .If you do.It’s as follows
If you find this deep, then you should see the seventy pages I have to prove what I just said .
It’s around 12 right now ,I have to cool down and relax,and get some sleep. Did I make your day?This Is a lot more complicated and I need the sleep.
A code??? Oh no! Here we have another fruitcake!!
I would love to see a debate between you and Giver!!
When I say that you can’t add ,or take away From this book it is because the book is in a code.Yes it is in a code.A string, or a ribbon ,of sorts of 72 elements .Look at the germatria for the number 72 or 27.or 27072.
The right Elements, everything has it’s place on this ribbon ,coming out of the mouth of GOD, it is a continuos ribbon .If you add a space or take an element out, or put an element in, you brake the code .Yes. you have to take the italics out,the parts ,that man inserted.The space’s,yes ,even the bible refernces.It has to be a continuious string of words out of the mouth of GOD…Then and only, then ,the work starts.
When you have the right elements,and in the same order,the ribbon wraps around and around it self to make a roll .Like a empty cardboard roll of paper, A cylinder.A scroll .
Now, do’s that sound fantastic, in the shape of a scroll , Not unlike the scroll that his visions ate ,And not unlike the scroll that John ate.When you have this scorll you have to cut it in the right place and every thing lines up seven times.Seven thunders .Sound like a mad man ,ask CHRIST .I did not make this I only found it.
Where did you find it? Are you sure your source is trustworthy? Is it obedient to the Church?

I took a look at chapter 10, and noticed the following:

Apoc 10:4 And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying to me: Seal up the things which the seven thunders have spoken; and write them not.

Are you trying to figure out what these seven thunders said?

If so, then are you not trespassing against obedience by such curiosity in seeking occult (hidden/forbidden) knowledge?
I’m not shure you will not want to speak to me again, You have my web address .If you do.It’s as follows …
It would be for good reason that people would not want to speak to you about this in any detail, for the reason I cited above.

Tell me more of this Scott Hahn’s tape.I have not heard them all yet.
It’s entitled “The End”. It’s available from St. Joseph Communications.

If he mentioned the little scroll, or the thunder specifically, I didn’t write it down. What I do have in my notes is that 10:3 is a reference to Amos 1:2-3, which means the Jews will be punished for their obstinancy; and in vs 5, when the angel is standing with one foot on land and one on the sea is referring to the unity of the Jews and the Gentiles in the New Covenant.

The eating of the scroll refers back to Ezekiel 3. Since in Ezekiel this is meant that he will further prophecy, Scott mentioned that at the time of John and his vision, Divine Revelation was not yet completed, but by the time of his death it was.
And if you don’t mind ,tell me about your self. 👍
What ever I have to tell you will have to be in a public forum. I’m from NY. We don’t talk to anybody we don’t know. 😛
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