Interpret Revelation Chapter 10 (Walt)

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Mane Nobiscum Domine,
Ferdinand Mary
:banghead: What ever I have to tell you will have to be in a public forum. I’m from NY. We don’t talk to anybody we don’t know.

Well I,m from CANADA and we’r not that un friendly.Sorry we can not have a conection

We don’t talk to anybody we don’t know.
Then I guess you don’t want to know , any more people :blessyou:

I figured you will have trouble with this. :confused:
The reason I said you might not want to speak to me is. It is a deep subject ,and you might not have the depth. :ehh:
these little face’s are neat. Do they use neet in u.s.a.?

And the e mail thing is 😦 I’m a lousy speller,my english stinks, and I’m a one finger hunt and pick typist.I guess I’m a irish Catholic. :banghead:

If so, then are you not trespassing against obedience by such curiosity in seeking occult (hidden/forbidden) knowledge?

P.S.Catholic Answers Forums team
occult (hidden/forbidden) knowledge? :

Mane Nobiscum Domine,
Ferdinand Mary I would like to see the ones you took out.
Are you a sister?I was brought up with the sisters in a convent in CANADA. :irish2:
walt2000 said:
:banghead: What ever I have to tell you will have to be in a public forum. I’m from NY. We don’t talk to anybody we don’t know.

Well I,m from CANADA and we’r not that un friendly.Sorry we can not have a conection

We don’t talk to anybody we don’t know.
Then I guess you don’t want to know , any more people :blessyou:

Don’t take it personally. You’re in good company! The same rule applies to just about everyone.
A code??? Oh no! Here we have another fruitcake!!
I would love to see a debate between you and Giver!!
Now who is giver?
fruit cake mmm.? Something or somenoe that can think for him self.
I will have to look that one up.
There are some secrets shared by God that are only for the visionary and no one else. St. Paul wrote of a similar experience, “this person was caught up into paradise and heard ineffable things which no man may utter”(II corinthians 12:4) The revelation of the secret will come in due time when history is ready. Scripture is full of the noiseless course of God’s providential work. The Prophet Malachi had predicted that one day the Lord would suddenly come to his temple (Mal:3:1) Centuries passed and even students of the Bible had forgotten about it. then, abruptly, Jesus was born and brought by Joseph and His Blessed Mother to be presented to God at the temple.A simple and ordianary scene.Simeon takes the child in his arms and praises the Lord. Anna thanks God for this baby, nothing impressive, no shouts for attention. simply two Jewish Parents doing their duty. But in their arms they hold the Savior of the world, disguised as a stranger in His own house.Yet the glory of God shone in that temple, and through the humble gathering of a baby, his parents and two senior citizens.
When the angel told John to seal the newest message in a secret file, he was teaching this truth about the secret action of the divine providence in history, but one that will “suddenly” appear when the time is right. Taken from, The Second Coming of Jesus,OSV. sounds pretty logical to me!!
You don’t want to tell me about your self’s here is about me.
 I was born .Baptized. in a convent.In northern Canada Irish .
was married in a Catholic church high mass on the alter every thing in white. .Hay it gets better.
Went to school in electronics,welding,refrigation,and a master electicion.Drew a picture of my teacher and he sent me to u of art,didn’ like my pic. I guess .Went to a convent for three years.Met the sisters,studied the bible for 35 years Have two kids both have u degrees 1 in arts annd 1 in biology.In The bible I studied It was mostly in revelations .all deffrent religions.I studyed gemtreia.
Traveled all over canada and nothern u.s.a. painting pictures .had them in several art shows.Been to europe twice going back next year.
I retired in a small cabin with 16 head of wood buffalo out my back window, in the hills in northern canada by a small stream, with several herds of deer to meet me every morning.I should see all sorts of animals.And birds,sounds corny does’t it. but that is about it.Some one will probably have someting smart to say about that i’m sure.
look up my bio in this web sight not getting along with, any body every thing, is so neg.Well that’s me in the nut shell.
I didn’t say I wouldn’t share info, I just don’t feel comfortable doing it via e-mail. I was born in Manhattan, but grew up in the 'burbs. Went to Catholic grade school, then public high school. My Catholic education straddled Vat II. Half of it was pre-Vat II, the other half was post-Vat II, so I’ve always thought that my generation had a rather unique perspective. Because my mother was a convert to Catholicism, I credit her influence for helping to ensure that the changes in the church didn’t cause me to lose faith, or abandon it for some other denomination. I studied Elementary Education in college, but after teaching for a few years, I abandoned the idea. I’m now working for a textbook publisher. As a personal project, I’m working on a chronological arrangement of Scripture, that I hope to get published.

This has taken the thread off topic. It should probably go in the “water cooler”
I,ll have to read your web page looks intrested.
As for me ,My great,and grand fathers, were those people in ireland, with the orange .drumming up and down the streets of Belfast,some of them were triing to get Ireland back from the brits.some of the wanted to stay.I can trace my roots back to cromwell, my distant relitive was a lieutenant under cromwell ,cromwell gave him a property in ardee 30 miles north west of dublin,From what I can tell they were prods.Going to St. MARYS CHURCH , one of them came here as a remittance man.My father married a catholic woman here in canada, very strict catholic.So of corse I went to convent for a few years.If my ancestors new that they they turned catholic ,they would turn over in there’s all just silly.last time I was in ireland the brits were getting out, and every thing is at peace.the rest I have allready posted .
I’m 3/8 Irish, 1/4 English, 1/8 Scottish, and the other fourth is such a mishmash of all three, it’s hard to tell what they were…or as somebody once told me, “a Mc with ale”.

Also, when I looked up my last name, it said that it has it’s roots in 11th c. Norway, so I guess I can through that in too.
We were told you have to go by the father, your father what was he?
We were told you have to go by the father, your father what was he?
3/4 Irish, and 1/4 English, but it’s the English name that has Norwegian roots.
You have a little viking in you, If your father, and his father Norwegian You should do a family tree.Like king Ferg or the name Fergusson He is the one that
brought The LiaFail to scotland, from Irland also known as the stone of scone .There is alot of history wrapped up in that little stone.Do google on the** island of destiny
** or the stone of destiny there is sopposed to be a.Jeremiah conection. His tomb is in ireland .I was there.
There is also a conection Chirist in Engand.In his younger years These are just stroies handed down.How much is true who knows?There is a last chapter in acts that puts paul in southern England St. pauls on a river next to london.Did you ever hear of any of that?I think it’s acts 29 I know it’s not church but it’s what they, by that I mean the people, in the area believe.Ireland has a whole diffrent history.These are traditions handed down.not gospel.
hay I know it’s off the subject but I have been in revelations for so many years, that it’s nice to think, on a diffrent line now and then.
No I didn’ see that, looks like a couple of intresting subjects other then rev.I book marked the page.I have go now the wife says there are a couple of deer in the yard I’ll have to shoo them off.Hay It’s nice talking to you, I will check in once in a while .When I see your name I;ll know who you are . In spring the young bison are calfing there are 16 head now in a couple of days there will be 32 .We live in the sticks as you might say.It was nice talking to you ,see you on this confusion box. 👍
Do’s any one know how to interpet Re.10
This chapter was written specifically to the Church in Thyatira.

"I know your words - your love, faith, service, and patient endurance. I know that your last works are greater than the first. But I have this against you: you tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet and is teaching and beguiling my servants to practice fornication and to eat food sacrificed to idols. I gave her time to repent, but she refuses to repent of her fornication. Beware, I am throwing her on a bed, and those who commit adultry with her I am throwing into great distress, unlessthey repent of her doings; and I will strike her children dead. And all of the churches will know that I am the one who searches minds and hearts, and I will give to each of you as your works deserve. But to the rest of you in Thyatira, who do not hold this teaching, who have not learned what some call “the deep things of Satan,” to you I say, I do not lay on you any other burden; only hold fast to what you have until I come. To everyone who conquers and continues to my work to the end,

I will give authority over the nations;
to rule them with an iron rod,
as when clay pots are shattered -
even as I also recieved authority from my Father. To the ones who conquers I will also give the morning star. Let anyone who has an ear listen to the Spirit is saying to the churches."

from the book Apocalypse written by Stephen Doyle
Texan in DC:
This chapter was written specifically to the Church in Thyatira.
Thyatira seems to have generated a double-pronged hersey that involved sex and sacrifice.

Please remember the New Testament is a witness to the fragmentation that began shortly after the Resurrection. The Apostles had to call the Council of Jerusalem to attempt to reconcile the factions that arose over the observance of Judiasm.

Each book was written for an exact and imediate need.

Also the book of Revelation was written for the Christians, for their specific direction and understanding, an outsider like a pagon would not be able to understand the message. This is why so many fundamental christians do not underrstand this book, and come up with rapture stories.
Our intrest is in the promise we being ,christian is positive, if you, or, I over come the earth(4)promise negative if your not.Re.2/26 POWER OVER NATIONS
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