Hello everyone! I want to introduce myself: My name is Jennifer and I am 15 years old in high school. I’ve been thinking about my future and what God wants me do to with my life. I have a desire to get married one day. I pray for my future husband on a daily basis, that he’ll be a holy man and that’s he’ll convert himself fully to God. I pray that he won’t be influenced by the media and how it portrays women and he’ll defend the faith. Now, in the culture that I come from, people tend to marry within their own race and the marriages are arranged. Personally, I don’t want a marriage like that. I want God to guide me towards the man that he specifically chose for me without the influence of my parents. If this man is of a different race than me and I fall in love and marry him, is it considered disobeying my parents? All races are equal in God’s eyes. I know my parents will be upset if I marry someone outside of my race, even if he’s Catholic, has a good job, etc. My dad will probably accept it eventually, but I’m not so sure about my mom. Based on past actions, I can already infer that she probably won’t even come to my wedding if it is the case. I know I’m young and that I won’t get married until I’m somewhere in my 20s, but I can’t help but wonder. What is your (name removed by moderator)ut in the situation?