Not an issue to the Church.(You don’t say you are Catholic.) In my experience though, the relations are more inclined to carry with them religious and cultural differences. Not to be a concern of course since this could occur in every race. I’m just saying not to be surprised issues may develop along those lines. I have a close relative who is married to a Tibetan woman. A wonderful loving mother who raised her sons in the american culture, and we all get along fine. However, it’s just sad the children were raised Buddist, and the Catholic faith is frowned upon.
This decision by her set the stage for the children to discover by chance on their own the true Faith, no help from the parents has Scripture insisted they provide. The graces of being a member of God’s only sanctioned Church will be lost to them possibly for a time, unless the Holy Spirit inspires them. There are cultures that follow hostile sects they call ‘religions’. These may even go so far as to kidnap the children and flee to a home nation, leaving the mother who raised them in despair. This is not an exaggeration, …it happens.
I would suggest you seek to marry within the Catholic faith, and do not sacrifice this by making it optional. This is so important generally today. Actually practice your religion so that when your children are born, you can start introducing them to the new Faith. Many of the family related problems that arrive later can be pin pointed to a wrong choice of mate to start. You may experience much pressure for you to cave on this point. Attractions and infatuations may catch hold, and one may naturally become lost in the ‘magic’ of young romance. Hold fast.
The racial issue?, not important.