Intimidated and Confused - Starting a Bible Study

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Simply because the study doesn’t adhere to “modern critical scholarship” point-for-point is not a bad thing.
You nailed the directors argument as it pertained to the Great Adventure. Not that it was wrong, per se, just that a good portion of the interpritations on some hot topics were based on encyclicals in 1909-1910 which were written to address a period of upheaval/questioning. In the context it was written then, things are interpreted differently.

The vatical clarified these statements and encyclicals in later history that help provide a different interpitation. However these were not incorporated into some of the Great Adventure materials.

Like I said, not Non-Catholic, just not as modern as it could be which could give some questionable points of view. But if I pushed it, I could still use it.

I’m leaning more to LRSS because of the breakdown, cost, and length of courses. I really liked CSS but it seems more difficult for a newbie to get off the ground and for the most part (not all) the courses are 24 week instead of 9. I’m a little worried about some of the comments here against LRSS, but I am going to let the Holy Spirit guide me on this.

I could use your prayers. I am an officer within the Knights of Columbus. I have permission from the Grand Knight to address my brothers during the meeting tonight. I am going to ask for the KC’s to foot the bill to get this off the ground and get it started. An investment of $200+ dollars.

And I could use St. Catherine’s intercession for clarity, wisdom, and understanding of what God wants me to do.
You nailed the directors argument as it pertained to the Great Adventure. Not that it was wrong, per se, just that a good portion of the interpritations on some hot topics were based on encyclicals in 1909-1910 which were written to address a period of upheaval/questioning. In the context it was written then, things are interpreted differently.

The vatical clarified these statements and encyclicals in later history that help provide a different interpitation. However these were not incorporated into some of the Great Adventure materials.

Like I said, not Non-Catholic, just not as modern as it could be which could give some questionable points of view. But if I pushed it, I could still use it.
I must say, I have no idea what you are talking about. I’m fairly certain that Cavins is familiar with all the modern encyclicals on documents of the Pontifical Biblical Commission in the last 100 years. I don’t think the series is antiquated in any way, nor does it fail to take these into account. Modern critical scholarship is not 100% in accord with Catholic teaching on Scripture. Just read the intro to Benedict XVI’s Jesus of Nazareth and you’ll see what I mean.
Following the progression . . . step-by-step . . . day-by-day . . . re this pursuit of a Bible Study . . . has been very interesting . . . It was the inspiration for the commentary this morning on the Benedictine Spirituality Forum here at CAF . . . since this pursuit inspired this days reflection . . . I copied it and posted it below . . .

*God bless . . . *
Sacred Scripture
is **the speech of God **as it is put down in writing under the breath of the Holy Spirit.
In Sacred Scripture, the Church constantly finds her nourishment and her strength, for she welcomes it ** not** as human word, "but as what it really is, the Word of God."

In the sacred books,
the Father who is in heaven
comes lovingly ❤️ to meet his children,
and talks with them.**

:bible1: “How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand …” Psalms 139:17-18b

:bible1: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.” Isaiah 55:8

:bible1: “So shall **my word **be that goeth forth out of **my **mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which **I **please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto **I **sent it.” Isaiah 55:11

:bible1: “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but **my words **shall not pass away.” Matthew 24:35

:bible1: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1

"And the

was made flesh,
and dwelt among us,
and we saw his glory;
the glory as it were of the
only begotten of the Father,
full of grace and truth."
John 1:14

. . . all for Jesus+
. . . thank You Blessed Lord+
. . . thank You Sweet Spirit of our Holy God+
. . . thank you Holy Mother Mary+
. . . thank you Holy Mother Church+
. . . our
"Father Who Art in Heaven"
we love Thee+
. . . thank You Dear Father+

I think the Holy Spirit not only is quietly ushering me this way - he decided to swing the door wide open, stand behind me, and kick me in the rear. What is happening is amazing to me.

Last night, I asked for the floor at my Knights meeting. I explained how the Holy Spirit was moving me to help educate and spread scripture and that I was scared and reluctant. I explained how this church (deep in the city) is inverted with a congregation that is so transient that they are here during the week and gone on the weekend (all the commuters). I explained about the need, the reception I recieved from the Education director, I explained everything. I explained that the total cost was $200 to get moving and that I knew the council could only afford $100. So made a motion asking for $100 - The floor was opened.

One man in the back, an ex-marine, stood up and started to explain his story of conversion 3 years ago. How as a Baptist, he studied scripture his whole life but what he read didn’t match what was preached on Sundays. So he started to ask questions (and even mentioned Catholic Answers), spoke to a Catholic priest, went through inquiry, and began RCIA.

He started to tear up, and had to pause to collect himself when he said - “Scripture is what brought me home to the Catholic Church”.

Expecting turmoil over asking for money, I was surprised when I had brother Knights stand up and tell me how much they admired and supported me for the task I was about to undertake. The motion was passed and I received $100 of seed money.

What almost brought me to tears were the individual Knights that came up to me after the meeting shaking my hand with a palmed $5.00, $10.00, and $20.00 bills. Finally, one Knight said to me - “I don’t know what your shortfall is - but you let me know and I will back you up”.

I officially have the seed money to get started.

So I met the education director today, who was floored at the support. Is giving me carte-blanche of what day, how long, how we study, and a contact list to get started. He is so thankful.

So it seems I am about to get a crash course in LRSS leadership and methodology. Assuming there is truly an interest, we officially have a Bible Study starting the first week in September.

As my mother-in-law says: “Hold on to your taters, this is about to get interesting…”

Please keep praying for me - for strength, wisdom, and understanding.

I think the Holy Spirit not only is quietly ushering me this way - he decided to swing the door wide open, stand behind me, and kick me in the rear. What is happening is amazing to me.

Last night, I asked for the floor at my Knights meeting. I explained how the Holy Spirit was moving me to help educate and spread scripture and that I was scared and reluctant. I explained how this church (deep in the city) is inverted with a congregation that is so transient that they are here during the week and gone on the weekend (all the commuters). I explained about the need, the reception I recieved from the Education director, I explained everything. I explained that the total cost was $200 to get moving and that I knew the council could only afford $100. So made a motion asking for $100 - The floor was opened.

One man in the back, an ex-marine, stood up and started to explain his story of conversion 3 years ago. How as a Baptist, he studied scripture his whole life but what he read didn’t match what was preached on Sundays. So he started to ask questions (and even mentioned Catholic Answers), spoke to a Catholic priest, went through inquiry, and began RCIA.

He started to tear up, and had to pause to collect himself when he said - “Scripture is what brought me home to the Catholic Church”.

Expecting turmoil over asking for money, I was surprised when I had brother Knights stand up and tell me how much they admired and supported me for the task I was about to undertake. The motion was passed and I received $100 of seed money.

What almost brought me to tears were the individual Knights that came up to me after the meeting shaking my hand with a palmed $5.00, $10.00, and $20.00 bills. Finally, one Knight said to me - “I don’t know what your shortfall is - but you let me know and I will back you up”.

I officially have the seed money to get started.

So I met the education director today, who was floored at the support. Is giving me carte-blanche of what day, how long, how we study, and a contact list to get started. He is so thankful.

So it seems I am about to get a crash course in LRSS leadership and methodology. Assuming there is truly an interest, we officially have a Bible Study starting the first week in September.

As my mother-in-law says: “Hold on to your taters, this is about to get interesting…”

Please keep praying for me - for strength, wisdom, and understanding.
That’s awesome! God provides, for sure!
So, its roughly 2 months since the original post and I wanted to come back and bring closure to the thread in case someone else tries to do research like me.

In short, the scripture study class went so well that we are trying to work in one last 4 week course before Thanksgiving. Our group is only six strong, but I truly think this is God’s plan at work as any larger and we could have been in trouble initially (which I will explain later). (My home parish pulls between 30-60 each session!).

We proceeded with Little Rock Scripture Study which worked incredibly - After the initial introduction meeting, we really fell into a rhythm. 3-5 Minutes of Opening Prayer and Thanksgiving, 45 Minutes to discuss our lesson for the week, 3-5 Minutes of Closing/Intercessory prayer, and 20 Minutes of wrap up video. In and out in 1 Hour 15 Minutes, then off to work we go.

None of us had any real experience with the Bible, we were lucky we could look up passages. We started with the 6 week course “Introduction to the Bible” which was mind blowing. We learned SO MUCH and how we approach what we read from the Bible now is totally different. I HIGHLY recommend starting here. Now, we moved on to our first “real” study - “The Infancy Narratives of Jesus” which is only 3 weeks long. However, that “Introduction tot he Bible” helped me dramatically for this next session.

The coursework is designed for you to work about 20 minutes a day answering questions, reading passages from the Bible, and reading assigned commentary. Then you take what you have studied and discuss it in group before the wrap up video is played for the week. I did this daily before work started while the office was dead quiet. Others would hammer it out in two hours over the weekend. If anyone got real stuck, they just made sure to read the commentary before attending so they can participate.The format doesn’t punish those who didn’t get all the assignment done.

I also reccomend the Leadership Training materials and course. Being the only “lead” I read them all through and then started watching the DVD. Took an hour or so in the evenings before bed for a few nights. At first I thought it cheesy and common sense, but there were some real useful pieces that helped tremendously. Especially things to watch out for. The leader is not a theologian and not a teacher. You are strictly a coordinator and can be as clueless as the rest of your group. 😉

Learn from my mistakes and experience:
  1. Don’t narrow down the group name as it scares people off. I would have been much better advertsiding the group as “Sacred Heart Scripture Study” instead of “Business Professionals Business Study” (which targeted the men and women that commute to the city for work). That narrow name scared many people off.
  2. Stay small that first session - cap the group at 8-10 max. This allows the primary leader to learn the ropes. This also helps you form a group who are familiar with the study so when you “open it up” to the parish (and say double your attendence the next go around) you have a few comfortable with the format that can help others. You also have time to identify someone in your group to approach as another leader. (i.e. at about 8-10 you split and start another table/group with a seperate leader).
  3. Use your leadership training - it helps you keep an eye out for managing the disussion. You never “control” the group, but you do help steer things back when off course and help manage personalities (i.e. the shy person, the talker, the control freak, etc). It’s actually not as dramatic or scary as it sounds.
  4. Order extra books, you can return them for a refund or credit as you will go two weeks without sign-ups and then have a rash of them only a few days before you start.
  5. Check with Little Rock to make sure they have plenty of what you want to use in stock. If you advertise for 3 weeks and call for 20 study sets, they may be running low and you start late.
  6. Give yourself 7 business days to get your books, allthough they are usually much faster.
  7. Stay in contact with phone calls - I called each the night before to introduce myself and answer questions and get them excited. If someone missed a meeting I always called to check on them.
I think that is it. I can’t tell you how rewarding an experience this is and I can’t relay exactly how much my spiritual life and personal life has benifited from this. The short amount of time I put in each day is returned to me exponentially. The support of the group, the depth of the study, the reward I recieve - it’s awesome.

So if anyone out there felt like me when I started - scared, unsure, and woefully inatiquate - please put your faith in God and take that step forward. It is definately worth it.

And if there is any questions or advice i can give to help another, please PM me here.
We have been doing Little Rock for about 6 years in our parish. It started out with only 5 women. Today there are 21. All women. Men are invited but none come. We tried to start another session at a time more convenient for men but no one was interested.
Now that you have your feet wet, check out something more substatial like the Great Adventure or Ignatius Studies.
(A followup from my original post)

Well, this just got a whole lot more interesting…


Anyone mind explaining what just happened, I walked in for Adoration and left with a Bible study? It’s one big blur.
Sure-you were open to the leading of the Holy Spirit, and He took you up on it!

Congratulations on being the willing servant in the right place at the right time.
A lot still has to fall into place - finding a time/location, blessing from the Pastor, and my bigger concern is cost of materials and where the funding is coming from. (I’m going to approach my Knights of Columbus council to see if they can help).
A good plan. Also don’t be afraid to ask people to purchase their own materials - workbooks, or whatever, and possibly to contribute to the course cost, if there is one. Most people can manage $10-25 and will be more committed to the program if they do. Obviously you want to make it clear that no one will be turned away for money issues. (What we’re doing in the study we’re starting is offering a choice of buy-your-book or use-one-of-the-ones-we’re-keeping-on-hand but don’t mark in it.)
So now why am I scared to death?!
You are embarking on a Great Adventure, no matter whose material you use! And you are volunteering for the great responsibility of teaching the faith (James 3:1) - Jesus did have very strong words for anyone who leads others astray (Matt. 18:6). But He also promised to send the Spirit to give you the words you need, if you are faithful (Luke 12:12, although the context is defending the faith, is certainly applicable). So cover the class with prayer and forge ahead!
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