Intrique Surrounds Kofi Annan

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Thanks for posting this link. I wonder why they are trying so hard to ‘save’ Anan? How many others would have gotten the boot?

Lisa N
gilliam said:

Today Kofi Annan made the incredible claim that the $23 billion boondoggle known as the “oil for food” program was successful.
He added that the UN could be trusted to handle the relief funds for the earthquake/tsunami victims.
What incredible gall! At least he didn’t yet suggest that his son would be put in charge of UN relief efforts. But then he didn’t mention selling the Brooklyn bridge either.
Today Kofi Annan made the incredible claim that the $23 billion boondoggle known as the “oil for food” program was successful.
He added that the UN could be trusted to handle the relief funds for the earthquake/tsunami victims.
What incredible gall! At least he didn’t yet suggest that his son would be put in charge of UN relief efforts. But then he didn’t mention selling the Brooklyn bridge either.
Annan is in a tough position. The UN is running the risk right now of being irrelavent.
Lisa N:
Thanks for posting this link. I wonder why they are trying so hard to ‘save’ Anan? How many others would have gotten the boot?

Lisa N
Maybe they’re afraid someone with actual integrity would get his job, and then all their illegal and unethical activities would finally come to light.

Don’t forget that most of the world is ruled by dictators and thugs, and their representatives sit in the UN building in NYC.
Lisa N:
Thanks for posting this link. I wonder why they are trying so hard to ‘save’ Anan? How many others would have gotten the boot?

Lisa N
Let’s face it, if it had been an American - the international community would be righteously up in arms demanding his head and private body parts…Kofi can be counted on to play nice with the “big boys”…better the devil you know that the one you don’t know. And that’s why you won’t see Mr. Annan turning in any names nor pointing any fingers…
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