Iran's Manhattan Project Speeding Ahead

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From Little Green Footballs:

Those Iranian mullahs (“progressives” as Bill Clinton likes to call them) have now told the world that they won’t stop enriching uranium, and if the US sends Iran to the UN Security Council they will start making nuclear fuel right away: Iran Says to Make Atomic Fuel if Sent to UN Council.

You know, I’m beginning to get the idea that the Iranians are planning to enrich uranium.

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran said on Saturday it would return to making nuclear fuel and that the Middle East would become even more unstable if the Islamic Republic was sent to the U.N. Security Council over its atomic program.

U.S. officials said on Friday they were still looking to haul Iran before the council for possible sanctions, but have not yet been assured of EU backing for this move should European attempts to broker an atomic deal fail. …

“If the Americans succeed in referring Iran’s case to the Security Council, Iran will immediately suspend all its voluntary confidence-building measures,” Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator Hassan Rohani told a conference. …

“Parliamentarians may even come up with a harder decision,” Rohani added.

I don’t get it; aren’t negotiating partners supposed to refrain from threatening the other party? Why, one almost gets the impression that the Iranian progressives aren’t negotiating in good faith.

(Do I need a sarcasm tag?)
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