Well, it’s ok to have a gut feeling, but it is going a bit far to call people liars in public unless you have some proof to the contrary, imo.
I don’t see any reason to doubt their figure. Sure they may be using the figure as leverage for their nasty cause, but until someone comes forward with other evidence I don’t see we can say it is a lie just because your gut tells you so.
I’m pretty cautious about calling people “Liars”, but I think it’s fair in this case to demand that the people making the first set of charges, that 1,000’s of women have died as a result of illegal abortions, prove that to be the case.
It’s not up to us to prove the contrary, even if the Irish Government, which is disputing their charges, can do so based on medical records. It is up to the complainants, since they are the ones making the charges, to demonstrate through clear and compelling evidence, that their charges are, in fact, true.
That is generally the requirement in politically debate. The lack of that requirement has often meant that we’ve sacrificed the high moral ground to Abortionists when we shouldn’t have.
Mike, there’s a debate that I’ve been involved with where one side often makes charges of the other that they know is not only not true of that side, but is true of themselves. They keep doing it knowing that most people don’t pay attention to how many times they get caught lying, and knowing that, even if the lies are thoroughly discredited, some people will still believe them. So far, it’s worked.
I have also found that people on the pro-Abortion side often misrepresent what their side says and what our side says, and they’re not above distorting or mistating the facts if it will help their case.
Just to get an idea at how the Pro-Abortion side thinks, look here -
If pro-lifers put out a video like this planned parenthood video we would be in JAIL!
Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones, Michael