Hey guys! So many times at mass or in religion class or something of that nature they encourage youth, my peers(im 13) to get stronger in faith, but they joke and re assure people by saying things like "that doesnt mean you have to say a rosary every day, but…OR they will say Im not saying you should kneel in adoration and do liturgy of the hours every day, OR you dont have to go out and become a priest or nun, OR it doesnt mean wear a cross or “Jesus t-shirt”…you get the jist… Im kind of sick of these remarks. Because im trying to say the rosary every day, every person should, if i could id do liturgy of the hours in adoration i would, I am thinking about priesthood or monastic life, and I like Jesus t-shirts, lol i have many. AND i wear a crucifix, with medals on it everywhere. Im sick of people teaching youth saying that sort of stuff, because they essentially say “you dont have to be serious”. And you do. I get that they dont want to turn youth off with boring rules, but when i saw a bunch of teens at ICYC, thats Idaho Catholic Youth Conference, which is epic, they all did the same things that the religious ed people say you donjt have to. And which group was mor happy and energetic? The one who had a jesus t shirt, and cross, medals, rosary in pocket bible in hand and worship and prayer daily, acting like a general “Jesus freak”…why do people make this sound bad? Its a good thing and the youth SHOULD act like this. Thoughts? And if you influence youth spiritually in any way, ENCOURAGE the “jesus freak” way of living, seriously. Otherwise you raise kids like those in my class who are catholic onlly in name, and hardly even that.