Well now I realize my post was a bit useless because it pointed out the problems but gave no solution. However if you want a suggestion, you saw the comments about “aiming for the middle”. Well, aim high. Always. Why? Because thats where you want the kids to be. If you aim for the middle or low thats where the kids will most likely aim. Im no expert, but just giving perspective on youth ministry from the point of view of the youth. Aim high if you want people to go there is the main point of the thread, I guess. Good Luck by the way.Interesting post.
Since I am gearing up to assist in the confirmation class next year for 13 year-old I would like to know what your suggestion would be in order to unite the various levels of commitment and understanding to the RCC.
Some parents do not even go to church yet send their kids for confirmation, others send their kids kicking and screaming etc.
How would you approach a class in order to reach as many kids as possible.