Is a fertility drug to ovulate >1 egg okay?

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Hi. I had no problem. Actually, he gave us a cup and told us that we could collect the semen at home and then bring it back within an hour. He has no idea how we really collected it. 🙂
Ahh, ok. Thanks for answering it.

I read that many doctors don’t want the first sample to be a post - coital sample because of the mixture of fluids. Although in diagnosing the possiblility of the wife being allergic and hostile to the husbands semen that type is essential. Several people in their ignorance have mistakenly perforated the wrong type of condom(for example used one that had a spermide) and ruined that sample as well. So I was wondering how the discussion went.Whether you asked for the special type of condom or were offered it… But I see you didn’t have that discussion.
Yes, clomid is OK.
Wish you all the best with ttc… in this day 36 is still young to have a large family 😃 ( can you tell I am the same age 😉 )
Clomid is my next step as well…of course i have other issues as well - recently had a huge fibroid removed (was blocking sperm reaching the tubes), also have PCOs, insulin resistance, very low progesterone.
Daily communion and confession weekly will likely be enough to get you pregnant in the next couple months. My suggestion is to try that before spending your money on these drugs.
As long as you are willing to accept that you may have more than one, it is fine. My doctor prescribed clomid for me after I had a twin pregnancy where I lost one of the twins because she felt it would be best for me emotionally to have a successful twin pregnancy. I never got to take the clomid because you start it on day 5-9 and well… God had other plans, I was already pregnant that cycle and I have my beautiful dd.

I just recently found out I am expecting again, after trying for the past 1 1/2 years. I am 43 now but will be 44 when this one is born. 37 isn’t really too old anymore, but I understand how you feel wanting one for so long.
Daily communion and confession weekly will likely be enough to get you pregnant in the next couple months. My suggestion is to try that before spending your money on these drugs.
Yikes. Perhaps I took this post wrong, but this seems fairly arrogant to me! First, if what the OP said is true, she seems to be in good communion with God and the Church. Second, none of the actions you describe are sufficient to “command” God to open her womb. How do you know she has not already tried this? How do you know she has not done a year of novenas for this intention already? This just seems to be a case of thinking that if we take certain actions, God will give us what we want regardless of His own will. That is ALWAYS dangerous thinking. Also, the Catholic church has never been one of those that teaches that we should use religious/spiritual solutions for medical problems. Prayer is always appropriate, but so is seeking appropriate and moral medical treatment.

As far as I know, anything that does not remove conception from the marital act is licit. As others have already said, you seem to be OK on that point. However, I would be really concerned about the potential to increase your ovarian cancer risk. Taking powerful hormones to force the human body to either do something it does not want to do, or to do something it shouldn’t (like ovulate after menopause, as in the Elizabeth Edwards case) usually will have consequences. Sometimes, the risk is necessary, as when the failure of the body to perform whatever function is compromising health. But sometimes the risk is not necessary, which is when you have to decide whether it is worth it to take that risk. I would read alot about Clomid and it’s effects, and pray and think a lot, before taking it. I have seen writings about how egg donors, who are also put on Clomid to get more eggs to harvest (yuck), are put at higher risk for ovarian cancer. So be careful.
Thank you, duskyjewel, for your beautiful response.
Daily communion and confession weekly will likely be enough to get you pregnant in the next couple months. My suggestion is to try that before spending your money on these drugs.
With my work schedule it is not possible for me to go to communion every single day. However, I strive to live each day in communion with the Father, His Son, and the Holy Spirit constantly keeping them in my thoughs as I constantly go about my day. I *did *go to confession last week and try to live in a constant state free from sin. God is with me all the time, and I try to live as a constant witness of the Good News to all people I encounter .

Chrysostom, I know you were trying to be helpful, but it is ultimately God’s will. And as duskyjewel points out, if there is a legitimate underlying medical reason to my case, then the Church is not against medical treatment. I am sorry to say, but for people struggling with a medical condition, your reply can be taken as very insensitive – I wonder if daily communion and weekly confession is a 100% guaranteed-cure for breast cancer, for example – in such a case, I would recommend that the woman not put off medical treatment. We are Catholics, not practioners of Scientology.

Everyone, I want to thank you for your responses. My question was simple: If fertility drugs are contrary to Church teaching. Thank you for your responses.

Also, I just want to mention that after a year and a half of trying to conceive, I have become pretty well informed on the cancer risks of prolonged usage of fertility drugs. I know you are all trying to be helpful, telling me about IVF, the Edwards, selective reduction, cancer risks, etc., but you’re preaching to the choir here. I’m a practicing Catholic. All I needed to know was the answer to the question in my header.
Everyone, I want to thank you for your responses. My question was simple: If fertility drugs are contrary to Church teaching. Thank you for your responses.

All I needed to know was the answer to the question in my header.
Well, since you have the answer along with tons of “extra” info and advice, I would just like to offer you my prayers. We can’t know why you haven’t conceived yet. We can’t know if you ever will. But what we can know is that if you cooperate with God, things will be as they should. I pray that His will becomes clear to you about how to proceed from here. God bless you in your daily efforts to know and love Him.

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