Is abortion an unpardonable sin?

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Hi, I’m just getting in touch with some people from the catholic church so that I can convert. I have had more than one abortion in my life, though it was many years ago and I was a very different person. Is this something that I can be forgiven for in the catholic church? I pray that it is, as this has been eating a hole in my soul for many years now. Please, any replies would be welcome. Thanks.

Yes, if you sincerely repent you can be forgiven, and God bless you.
I recommend you check out the “Rachel’s Vineyard” site.

There is no sin that God CANNOT forgive.
Hi, I’m just getting in touch with some people from the catholic church so that I can convert. I have had more than one abortion in my life, though it was many years ago and I was a very different person. Is this something that I can be forgiven for in the catholic church? I pray that it is, as this has been eating a hole in my soul for many years now. Please, any replies would be welcome. Thanks.

Yes you can be forgiven after an abortion, if you repent and promise never to do it again. The only “unpardonable sin” is believing that God can’t forgive you of sin.

Project Rachel is a Catholic organization set up to assist people that have gone through abortion deal with the after affects of abortion.

Go to the following web page for information and to locate a Project Rachel organization within your area.
Dearest Slightly

My prayers and love are with you. You have born this cross of your sin for many years and that agony must have been almost intolerable. Of course the Priest will forgive your sin, if you are truly repentant and with the grace of God try not to repeat this particular sin again.

One thing you have to also take into account for yourself is, whether you understood at the time the depth of the sin you committed. By this I mean , if you were brought up without the knowledge that abortion is a sin and a life would be lost as a result of it, some people are not aware of this, as the secular culture describes babies in the womb as nothing more than a clump of cells. I am not piling guilt on you here nor am I excusing your actions (what I am saying is said in love). But for a mortal sin to be commmitted it has to be done in full knowledge and not all people have full knowledge of the effects of an abortion.

One thing is for certain you do not have to carry the guilt of this sin for the rest of your life as you are truly sorry. The Sacrament of Reconciliation (confession) is a sacrament of healing, so that this sin will no longer eat away at your soul. In this Sacrament not only will you reconcile yourself with God, but also with your unborn children, in this you will find true healing. Some of the other posters have recommended counselling for you and a website where you can access this, maybe this is something you would consider for your personal healing from this .

I am happy for you that you are considering joining the family of the Catholic church and hoping to confess this sin.

I have often walked around my home town and looked at the hundreds of people walking about and knowing the sins of my own soul, have often wondered how people live without the healing grace of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, the sins of the soul must be hard to carry for a whole lifetime…

God Bless you and much love and peace to you


God is a merciful and loving Saviour. My answer for your question is YES. Any sins repented of, you name the worst of the worst sin, can be forgiven.

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” And thru Him, who was crucified for our sake, died, and rose again on the third day, there is forgiveness of sins.

Amen sis. Yes you can definitely be forgiven.
My sis had and abortion many many years ago and left the Church because of it.
She went to confession and was healed.
Also, she met this wonderful priest who with a group of women who had had abortions and repented, had a special Mass for their aborted children. At this time they we’re all asked to name their children… I was able to attend this very special Mass, and I can’t explain how beautiful and meaningful it truly was. And my sister said she felt truly healed after this.
God Bless You, and May God continue to guide you and heal you.
AMEN to all the posting.

YES! There is no sin so great that God can not forgive it.
There is only one sin that God will not forgive and that is BLASPHEMY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. 😦

There’s a lot of good advice in the above posts. Please don’t be afraid to “cross the Tiber” and come home to Rome.

Every last one of us here has, at one time or another, committed a grave sin. The healing begins with repentance, Confession, Absolution, and amendment. Sounds like you are well on your way. By all means, I’ll keep you in my prayers. Any time you have a question or concern, I think you’ll find an incredible outpouring of support here.

God bless you!
God is merciful and will forgive all sins. The only sin that is unforgiven is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. This is a sin of unrepentance and a sin of refusing to confess your sins and be sorry.
God is merciful and will forgive all sins. The only sin that is unforgiven is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. This is a sin of unrepentance and a sin of refusing to confess your sins and be sorry.
Hey Jimmy you didnt press the ignore button by accident ? At least we are on the same page. God bless you Jimmy. 😃
Hi, I’m just getting in touch with some people from the catholic church so that I can convert. I have had more than one abortion in my life, though it was many years ago and I was a very different person. Is this something that I can be forgiven for in the catholic church? I pray that it is, as this has been eating a hole in my soul for many years now. Please, any replies would be welcome. Thanks.

There is nothing He may not forgive, save the rejection of His forgiveness. Your sins will consumed in the fire of Christ’s sacrifice. You are to be commended for your courage. May He hold you close within the depths of His Most Sacred Heart!

I had an abortion before I was confirmed as a Catholic, and consequently had never been to Confession either. Prior to my Confirmation I was instructed to do a General Confession, which I did with my priest, and it was then I confessed the abortion. At the time of the abortion I was very young and had no idea it was a sin as I had been mostly unchurched. I had no idea it was so grave. But when I came to my General Confession and told about it I was so very sorry, I felt so badly for my past. I wept and repented deeply, and my priest absolved me of all my sins. Such a weight was lifted from my shoulders! My General Confession was such a blessing. So rest assured that you will find the same when you go to your first Confession, friend, if you are fully repentant of your sins. You are on your way and we welcome you home! 🙂
Hey Jimmy you didnt press the ignore button by accident ? At least we are on the same page. God bless you Jimmy. 😃
I would not press the ignore button on you. :nope:

But when I came to my General Confession and told about it I was so very sorry, I felt so badly for my past. I wept and repented deeply, and my priest absolved me of all my sins. Such a weight was lifted from my shoulders! My General Confession was such a blessing. So rest assured that you will find the same when you go to your first Confession, friend, if you are fully repentant of your sins. You are on your way and we welcome you home! 🙂
Lucky! The priest at my first confession didn’t let me confess anything from prior to my becoming a Catholic. I was very disappointed. I asked the apologist here but I still don’t understand…it is a horrendous burden.
Lucky! The priest at my first confession didn’t let me confess anything from prior to my becoming a Catholic. I was very disappointed. I asked the apologist here but I still don’t understand…it is a horrendous burden.
I totally feel for you, of course this would be a horrendous burden. Perhaps you can consult another priest, because it seems odd to me that your first one didn’t let you confess anything from your past. I have never heard of that. Perhaps he did this because when one is Baptized, I believe one is considered new, like a baby, without sin. That is the only reason I can think of. Perhaps you should ask him again about it. Either way I would probably be inclined to see another priest for another Confession, to lift the burden. God bless you, friend!
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who responded to my question. Growing up in the Southern Baptist church, I never expected to be shown such warmth and understanding. I feel like I’m headed in the right direction now and there will be peace for me at last. Thanks again for everything.

Hi, I’m just getting in touch with some people from the catholic church so that I can convert. I have had more than one abortion in my life, though it was many years ago and I was a very different person. Is this something that I can be forgiven for in the catholic church? I pray that it is, as this has been eating a hole in my soul for many years now. Please, any replies would be welcome. Thanks.

No feel God’s love and mercy waiting for you. God Bless
It is my understanding that no, it is not an unpardonable sin. The only unpardonable sin is the sin against the Holy Spirit.
You are in my prayers!
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