Sorry. I cannot believe abortion is o.k. under any circumstances. Guess some people have fallen away from the organization of: A.I.M. (Abortion Is Murder). Children are more precious and closest to the heart of Jesus than any other person upon Earth; He even said so. “and woe to anyone who hurts one of these” he said cuddling a child. At conception a child begins life…growing, forming himself/herself; much in the same was as us growing from childhood to adulthood…life is always growing, regardless of what stage it’s in, is still life.
Another: What about Fathers’ rights? They have none?
All things should be done to protect the child, regardless what; theres always someone wanting the child if you don’t.
You can thank God your mom didn’t believe in abortion, huh?
Could be that unborn child will be born in Heaven, and next to God when it comes time for your judgement?
OK, How about when the fallopian tube has ruptured, the baby has died and the mother is about to – is ok then for the “salpingectomy” (tube removal) and the removal of the dead fetus? I was in that situation abot 14 years ago.
I am infertile – the nurse in the ER had to show me the positive pregnancy test because I just could get pregnant it seemed. Well, I did conceive, but the egg implanted in the tube. The fallopian tube is in no way as elastic as the uterus and can not contain and support a growing fetus/ baby for long.
I had ruptured on a Tuesday morning. I got the ER on a Thursday – that alone is kind of a miracle. I had over 4 units of blood suctioned from my abdomen. I lost a child without ever being able to rejoice over it first. The doc removed the damaged tube. It was not able to be repaired. I still have that ovary, though.
I did have three units of blood tranfused back into me and I was still anemic enough to be hospitalized for no other reason. I had an eight inch incision in my abdomen and I don’t see how I could have been any tougher in waiting for treatment. I didn’t abort my child. I didn’t go the CATHOLIC hospital and ask them to kill my baby. :tsktsk:
There are times when God allows modern medecine to save a life. I was lucky enough to be saved.
The ruptured ectopic pregnancy didn’t help my infuertility. It added scarring within my uterus from the blood that was escaping from my abdomen via my uterus.
I have adopted twice – a medically fragile daughter, Claire, she lived to be 7 yrs old and died four years ago. Our son is 6 years old and we have just had another homestudy approved to adopt again.
Kowboy, I don’t know if you think I had an abortion or if it was wrong to save my life even when the baby’s couldn’t be saved. You know it is ironic, but for an infertile person, it is especially sad to have a nurse say “I’m sorry, you’re pregnant.” :crying: It was not what I had longed to hear.
Pax et bonum,