I work in the strategic realms of the IT space. I am not an IT “nerd” (I actually wish I were for employment purposes!) I am more in the “enterprise wide, government wide, internet of things” space. In other words, what tech is good for, rather than the nuts and bolts of how it works.
I think AI could be a potential threat but I don’t agree with the Sci-Fi view that one day some computer will turn the corner and develop AI, decide it does not like humans, infect and co-opt every other computer suddenly wipe out humanity. It will proceed in stages and at each stage we will have the opportunity to counter problems. It will be similar to cybercrime and cybersecurity, which right now are much bigger threats. Warren Buffet has said that cybercrime is a bigger threat to society than nuclear war. Having been trained in nuclear war as a Navy officer, I tend to agree with him.