
What you describe above is the type of thought that can go into a meditation. Focus doesn’t mean you won’t be distracted. Distraction is a part of our being human and our chosing God. Just getting back to God and making that effort part of your gift to God is pleasing to God. Taking whatever you get in your effort and giving it to God is very pleasing to God. Not focusing on results also frees us to do it again and again. If you’re thinking of God “24/7” you’re already making him a habit and a priority.Then I imagine what it would be like to either
- Accidently run into Jesus Christ. Would I recognize him? What would he look like? Would He rebuke me for traveling back in time? Would he speak American English? How would I react upon seeing Him? (On my last fantasy I dropped to my knees and cried. I awoke from my nap with tears in my eyes).
- To purposefully seek Him out so that he can warn him of the danger. How would we find him? What would we say to Him? How would the people of that time react to us? etc…
- Would Jesus be willing to come back to the present time for a day? If he did, could we hide Him? Would people recognize Him if he were dressed in blue jeans and a T shirt? Would Jesus get himself thrown in jail? etc…