Do you pray for discernment, revelation…and wait for it ?I hesitate to derail the positive feel of this thread. However I have posed this question before and it has been ignored. I don’t take offense at this fact, it is probably simply a topic people would rather not contimplate.
The basic question is:
** How do we discern between being led by the Holy Spirit and chance?**
“chance”… is only for people who have little faith.
James 1:5-7,8…helps.
If you can remembet that “God makes ALL THINGS happen for the good of those who LOVE Him…”…and pray to understand the Catechism on “ACTUAL GRACE”.For example,… If the day turns out to be wonderful, and I happen to chose good fishing spots I would not say I was led by the Holy Spirit. I would simply say it was** good luck. **
I discern that THE HOLY SPIRIT wants to GIFT you with the Gift of Discernment…ALLELUIA !Are there any instances anyone here can site where they feel there is little to no chance thier circumstance was chance?** How do we discern?** Are people of Faith to quick to site the Holy Spirit for the positive outcomes of happenings with respect to thier faith?
Go to the next Mass and there …when the Priest says
“LIFT UP YOUR HEARTS”…Prepare in advance and DO WHAT ST PAUL begs us to do …in Romans 12:1
Rest in your Catholic Baptism and watch what God begins to UNFOLD in your life !
I “think” (or discern)…That your soul reflects what Jesus longs for from the Throne of Grace…and from with in you…as he expressed in Luke 12:49I really don’t want to be a downer, but** this lays heavy on my mind.**
When the Holy Spirit came at the first Pentecost, it appears the event was unmistakable. Why has the fire gone out? Where is the dove?
"I have come to light a fire on the earth…how I wish the blaze were IGNITED !
He is no farther than THE ALTAR.
Allow the Spirit that is within you… to DRAW YOU to the Altar.
1Cor 2:6-16 will help a lot.
I am praying for you, Brother