Is Aquinas Right in his response to the problem of evil?

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The internal architecture of the units involved is not relevant - since you have NO access to that internal decision-tree algorithm.

Unfortunately he neglected to declare what those “laws” or “guidelines” might be.

Whatever God does not “like”, “wish”, “want”, “will”, “desire” us to do, he should/could prevent us from doing. If we do something, anything that God REALLY does not want us to do, he has the power to prevent it… If he does not prevent it, he does NOT care ENOUGH about it.

I hope it will NEVER happen. An impregnated ovum is NOT a baybee. Its existence or lack of it is of no relevance. Most of the impregnated eggs leave the woman’s body without anyone knowing about it. God - obviously does not care about them… so why would you?
He did declare those guidelines.
He does not want us to sin. But He wants more for us to not do it by ourselves.
What you are suggesting is like this: we want our kids to graduate school with good grades, but for that to be real they have to do it by themselves. We cannot pay the teachers (that is what you are suggesting God to do, somehow surpass our freedom to do it). you just claim “because he is God he would figure it out, doesn’t matter if it seems illogical or contradictory” and that is just “fill the word”.

About the last paragraph: I don’t think ignorance is the mother of all evils, but at least in this case it is (or at least I hope it is): there is no such thing as a “impregnated egg” or “fertilized egg”. When conception/fertilization occurs it ceases to be an egg and becomes a new organism, and guess what, every organism belongs to a specie. (don’t bring the “cells” argument, it just shows how scientific ignorant pro-abortion people are that don’t know how to differentiate a cell from an organism, parts from a whole)
Other thing that would make me laugh if the problem wasn’t so real is that many of them expect a developed human to “appear” with all his organs and stuff, when clearly that is not how nature works. All it matters is that from the moment it is considered a zygote, it is an organism developing, not “developed” but developing (through all of our stages of development we are just as human as we will ever be, biologically) and as a human he/she (sex is determined at the time of conception) should be protected.

Tens of thousands of people die everyday under natural circumstances, so we shouldn’t care if someone gets murdered? that doesn’t follow.

“Evil is allowed so greater good can come out of it, no martyr glory without the persecutor, etc etc”

BUT that leads me to the conclusion that a saint (when he was on earth) would be somehow greater than Adam before the sin, because he triumphed over many evils through his life, but I thought that men BEFORE sin were “perfect” (the greater they could ever be)
Well, obviously they were not perfect because they did sin.

They were perfectly innocent, but not perfectly virtuous.

I hope it will NEVER happen. An impregnated ovum is NOT a baybee. Its existence or lack of it is of no relevance. Most of the impregnated eggs leave the woman’s body without anyone knowing about it. God - obviously does not care about them… so why would you?
We, as humans, must respect the new life formed.

It is appropriate to recall the fundamental ethical criterion expressed in the Instruction Donum vitae in order to evaluate all moral questions which relate to procedures involving the human embryo:
“Thus the fruit of human generation, from the first moment of its existence, that is to say, from the moment the zygote has formed, demands the unconditional respect that is morally due to the human being in his bodily and spiritual totality. The human being is to be respected and treated as a person from the moment of conception; and therefore from that same moment his rights as a person must be recognized, among which in the first place is the inviolable right of every innocent human being to life”.[6]​
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