Well, yes they do actually. I met a woman who worked tirelessly to help those who suffered from Lupus, but never gave a cent to diabetes research (and oddly enough, I met another woman who was the exact opposite in her charitable ambitions). I knew a man who ran a soup kitchen for 12 years, but he didn’t have so much as a basic first aid certificate. If someone were to walk in to his kitchen feeling ill, he would send them right back out. I also met some one who worked at a free health clinic, but if you said you were starving he wouldn’t have thought it was his problem.
Welcome to the human race, it might not be pretty, but it is the only race in town.
metaphor met"a*phor (m[e^]t".a]*f^o]r
m[e^]t".a]*f~e]r), n. [F. m['e]taphore, L. metaphora, fr.
Gr. metafora, fr. metafe
rein to carry over, transfer; meta beyond, over + fe
rein to bring, bear.] (Rhet.)
The transference of the relation between one set of objects
to another set for the purpose of brief explanation; a
compressed simile; e. g., the ship plows the sea. --Abbott &
Seeley. “All the world’s a stage.” --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
im sorry you were treated that way, when people run out of reason they either attack or run away, its weak minded and shameful, but welcome to humanity as you say
you might defend yourself from a crazy persons verbal attacks, but that is not the same as defending your disbelief in another’s delusion, because if they didn’t attack you wouldn’t have defended
after all if some crazy guy on the corner yells an insult at you do you roll down the window and have a long argument about the nature of his religion, or do you just flip him off and drive away? most people would just drive away
so i cant see that as a reasonable, logical motivation to defend ones disbelief in another’s delusion
I am missing a few, but those were the ones I read within a few minutes. So, let me think, why would I bother defending myself?
But for the record, I also do try and talk people out of spending stupid amounts of money on homoeopathic remedies, magnet therapy, tarot readings, astrology books, books on aligning their chi, feng shui, and just about any book that has “unlimited”, “optimum” or “total” in the title. I generally try and get anyone, no matter what their beliefs, to explain their reasons for holding on to those beliefs. I don’t go picking on Christians.
that is an admirable tact to take but not relevant to the issue of motivation to defend ones disbelief in another’s delusion
thanks for your post though
sorry about the qoutes i had some problems but im sure you can sort them out