Is Baptism necessary for salvation?
without exception, for salvation. *(De fide.)*
by Baptism of desire or Baptism by blood. *(Sent. fidei prox.)*
Does that not seem to you like a glaring error? “Baptism by water is… necessary for all men WITHOUT EXCEPTION.” (DE FIDE)Baptism by water (Baptismus fluminis) is. since the promulgation of the Gospel. necessary for all men without exception, for salvation. (De fide.)
- Substitutes for Sacramental Baptism
I suggest that the word “necessary” has a meaning now that may at times be understood in conflict with how it was understood centuries ago.Does that not seem to you like a glaring error? “Baptism by water is… necessary for all men WITHOUT EXCEPTION.”
A thing is said to be necessary for a certain end in two ways. First, when the end cannot be without it; as food is necessary for the preservation of human life. Secondly, when the end is attained better and more conveniently, as a horse is necessary for a journey. In the first way it was not necessary that God should become incarnate for the restoration of human nature. For God with His omnipotent power could have restored human nature in many other ways. But in the second way it was necessary that God should become incarnate for the restoration of human nature. Hence Augustine says (De Trin. xii, 10): "We shall also show that other ways were not wanting to God, to Whose power all things are equally subject; but that there was not a more fitting way of healing our misery." (*Summa Theologica, *III, 1, 2)
Two questions… what about the thief on the cross… Jesus said because he believed he would be with Him in Paradise - he wasn’t baptized. #2 I’ve miscarried six babies. None were baptized obviously… are you saying they aren’t in heaven with Jesus?