How so…eventually you have to reach a point where there is something that began in and of itself.Which universe are you talking about? The multiverse is outside our universe as well. If we extend the definition of “universe” to include “all that exists”, then both the multiverse and God are included in the wider ATE universe.
God is a convenient way to deflect all the “how did God originate” questions. The multiverse is an equally convenient way to deflect the same questions.
For example, “Where did the other universe come from?” Where did the “multiverse” come from?"
That is kicking the can because you cannot explain those.
For the theist, we say, whether multiverse or not, that God is the unmoved mover. He is being itself. He is from which all else originates.
There has to be something eternal that has always exist. That something cannot be made of matter…the matter that something came from would have to be explained.